Design Industry
Adobe Illustrator is a _______-based program.
Creates individual text, text boxes, & lets you enter/edit type.
Type Tool
How would you convert text to outlines?
Select the text with the selection tool>go to the type menu>create outlines
The blue, horizontal line in this image is called a...
File format to be used for emailing designs for proofing?
Adobe PDF
Photoshop is a ________-based program.
Draws straight and curved lines to create objects.
Pen tool
What is a gradient?
What is a gradual change or progression of color
How do you turn on the ruler from the navigation menu?
A signed document allowing an artist to use someone's likeness or image in a project.
Model Release
What is the color system that printers use?
The black arrow that selects an object or a group of objects is called?
What is the selection tool
You would use this panel to make something 3D
What is the effects panel
How would you combine all layers that contain graphics into a new layer?
Select all layers that have graphics (shift+click), go to options> choose merge selected.
A document that states what is allowed to be filmed and used from a location.
Location release
What are the 5 phases of a project plan?
Plan, Design, Build, Test, Publish
Where would you go to to change a bleed?
What is the document setup
What resolution is recommended for printing a graphic?
What is 300 dpi
How would you create a new graphic style?
Two Ways: Drag the item into the graphic style panel OR select the object and choose "new graphic style" under options in the panel.
Two critical points that must be a part of every project plan are:
The Project Scope and the Project deadline
Essential information to get from a client before starting a project?
What is the project purpose & target audience
What is the view bar?
How would you place a rose from the symbol libraries into your document?
Window>Symbol Libraries>flowers
Select the rose and drag it to your art board.
How do you collect objects into a single layer?
Select the layers (cmd+click), choose the panel options> collect in new layer.
How can you develop a target demographic for your client's project?
Identify the common characteristics of the target audience