The space between two individual characters of text.
What is Kerning
What does RGB mean?
Red, green and blue
How would you create a pattern brush?
Click on the objects you want to create the pattern with then go to your top menu and select Window>Pattern>Options>New patter>name it
Name at least three examples of raster file types
What is tif, jpg, gif, png
What do you click to hide layers in Illustrator?
What is the eyeball icon
What panel do we use to adjust any text as far as the font, font size, tracking, kerning, leading, etc.?
What is the character panel
Is RGB subtractive or additive color?
What is additive color
How would you create a new brush?
Click on the object you want to create the brush with then go to your top menu and select Window>Brushes>Options>New brush>Choose brush type>Name it
What panel would you go to in order to take a raster image and turn it into a vector graphic?
What is image trace
How do you name a new layer?
Double click the text on the layer in the panel and type the new name in.
The space between the letters in a word, line or paragraph of text?
What is tracking
What does CMYK mean?
What is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key
How would you easily combine several shapes into one?
Select the objects you want to create into one object. Then choose from the menu: Window>Pathfinder>Unite
Name at least three examples of vector files
What is .ai, .svg, .eps
How do you change the color of the layer panel?
Double click layer and choose the new color.
The space between the lines of text is called?
Is CMYK subtractive or additive color?
How would you cut an object out of another object?
Select the objects you want to create into one object. Then choose from the menu: Window>Pathfinder>Exclude
If we are printing a raster image, what resolution should we use?
What is 300 dpi
How do you re-arrange your art boards in Adobe Illustrator?
Go to your menu and choose window>artboards>click re-arrange all artboards (icon in the bottom right of the panel).
What is it called when text is flush left, flush right, or justified?
What is alignment
What is CMYK used for? What is RGB used for?
What is CMYK for printing
RGB for viewing
How do you create an arrowhead?
Select your line then go to menu> stroke>show options>arrowheads> choose which arrowheads you want.
If you are setting up a document for printing, what color mode should you use in my document set-up?
If you have 9 artboards and you only want to export the 5th one, how do you do it?
File>Export>click artboards>choose range and enter the page numbers you want to export.