Faith Stages
Family and Peers
Threats to Wellbeing

James Fowler bases his stages of faith on the stages of cognitive development identified by this theorist.

Who is Piaget?


The name used for groups of peers that interact frequently on a social basis and consist of between 2 and 12 people.

What are cliques?


3 signs a teen could be abusing alcohol or other addictive substances.

What are a change in school performance, behavioral changes like lying, stealing, cheating; increasing anger or hostility; secretiveness; decreased motivation; decreased interest in sports or hobbies; physical deterioration; identification with drug culture (clothing, posters, magazines); short attention span, difficulty concentrating. 


When family members or friends help an adolescent through a difficult time, they are providing this.

What is social support?


A statistical tendency seen over generations, such as the increasingly earlier start to puberty over the past decades.

What is a secular trend?


Preschoolers mix fantasy and reality together at this stage, and take their faith primarily from that of their parents.

What is the Intuitive Projective stage?


A reason why there is often heightened conflict between parents and their children during adolescence.

Teens wanting more autonomy.

Brain changes that mean teens evaluate neutral faces and tones of voice as negative and angry.

Teens participating in risky behavior.

Parental expectations that the teen rebels against.


2 reasons why self esteem may be lower for girls than for boys in the teen years.

What are societal messages about appearance and the belief that academic achievement may interfere with social success?  

Also okay:  What is stereotype threat?  What is the emphasis many girls place on relationship harmony?


The term for events and circumstances that produce threats to our well being.

What is stressors?


A disadvantage for a teen working a job during the school year could be this.

What is their school work may suffer?


Children in elementary school are concrete in their thinking and literal in their understanding, taking in the stories taught in their faith communities at this stage.

What is Mythic-Literal?


Groups of adolescents that are larger than 12 and don't necessarily interact with each other frequently are called this.

What are crowds?


Early maturing boys may experience a rise in popularity but also be challenged by this.

What is friendships with older boys that puts them in situations they are not ready for, meaning they may participate in risky behaviors.

The type of coping that consists of the conscious regulation of emotion.

What is emotion-focused coping?


Fictitious observers who pay as much attention to adolescents’ behavior as adolescents do are called this. 

What is the imaginary audience?


Teenagers may adopt an all encompassing belief at this stage, and place their trust in people or groups that  represent their chosen beliefs

What is synthetic-conventional?


In traditional, pre-industrialized cultures, families place less value on individualism, leading to less independence seeking on the part of adolescence, and therefore also less of this.

What is conflict between parents and teenage children.


This may lead teens to participate in activities that are risky and not in line with their own values, in order to fit in. 

What is peer pressure?


Two examples of this type of coping are a student who talks with a teacher about extending a deadline for an assignment or a worker dissatisfied with her job asking to be assigned to other tasks.

What is problem-focused coping?


5 or more drinks at one sitting for men and 4 or more drinks at one sitting for women.

What is binge drinking?


The stage that Fowler and Feldman both connect most with early adulthood, when an individual is more aware of other systems of belief and may critically examine their own previously held beliefs, leading to a more individually held and more nuanced set of beliefs.

What is individuative-reflective?


Groups of peers that present a set of norms or standards, that adolescents judge their abilities and social success by.

What are reference groups?


 Because girls may internalize problems while boys may externalize stress and act out more often, this condition is more common in girls than boys during adolescence. 

What is depression?


A strategy for dealing with stress described in Feldman Chapter 14 that Daniel Siegel also recommended for younger children needing help with emotional regulation.

What is physical exercise?  (Move it or Lose it!)


Addictive drugs are those that cause either of these 2 types of dependence in users and therefore are a threat to adolescents' well being.

What are biological and psychological dependence?
