Adoption Process
Supportive Adults + Permanency Resources
Planning for Transition
Sibling Placement & Visitation

What age can a person be adopted?

Any age


What is a permanent connection?

An adult who is consistent in the life of a youth and has a life long parent like relationship with the youth.


What is a transition plan?

A plan that helps youth make a successful transition from the foster care system.


What is a sibling?

Siblings are children born to one or both of the same parents.


If you are a youth in care age XX  you will be involved in the decision about whether or not you want to be adopted.



Who should select your supportive adult/resources?

The youth and supportive adult should mutually agree to the relationship.  


When should your transition planning begin?

Best practice as soon as youth enter care but per NYS regulations 6 months before you turn 18.


If siblings are freed for adoption can they be adopted together?



If you are adopted do you have to change your name?

No!! but you have options.

- You can keep your last name.

- Keep the last name of your adoptive parents.

- You can add your last name to your adoptive parents last name and use both.


Name 2 reasons why having a supportive adult connection is important?

Because you need a person to:

1) Count on 2) Be a positive role model 3) Turn to for guidance and support 4) Share accomplishments, special occasions and holidays


Should a transition plan be completed if a youth is being adopted?

YES!!! Its a NYS regulation


What are 2 benefits of adopting siblings together?

1. Being together help siblings cope with stress 2. siblings feel safer placed together 3. Youth are better able to adjust to a new home 4. Siblings have a shared bond and family history 5.Siblings learn how to work through family issues together


A youth can only be adopted if?

Their parents lost or surrendered their parental rights.


Name 2 things supportive adults can help youth with?

1) Transition Planning 2) Trial and final discharge 3) Emotional Support 4) Financial assistance 5) Work life and careers 6) College


Once a youth is discharged from care can they sign themselves back in if they are not doing well?

YES!! If you are 18, 19, or 20 years of age.


After a child is adopted in what 2 ways can siblings remain in contact and continue to visit?

Formal agreement approved by the court.

Informal agreement between the adoptive parents and caregivers of the siblings.


What is a home study and background check?

A home study is to make sure that pre-adoptive parents would be suitable and a qualified adoptive parents.

A back ground check is to find out whether the adoptive parents have been involved in illegal activities and have abused and or neglected children.


What are 2 permanency options?

1)Return to Parent

2)Guardianship/Legal Custody

3)APPLA (Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement)

4) Adoption


Name 3 topic areas in a transition plan?

1) Trial Discharge 2) Housing 3) Health and Health Insurance 4)Educational/Vocational 5) Opportunities for Adult Permanency Resources or Mentor 6) Continuing Support Services 7) Access to Important Documents and Records 8) Workforce Supports and Employment Services 9) Pregnant/Parenting Youth 10) Safety


How can I locate my adopted sibling?

Contact the adoption Information Registry at the NYS Department of Health.
