April showers in known to bring what in May?
What is: May flowers
How many baby bunnies can a wild rabbit have in a single litter?
What is: Up to 15!
Average is 7
What month do Robin's typically lay eggs?
What is: Late April to early May
What religious holiday is now also popularly known to children as a 4 day weekend filled with chocolate and jelly beans?
What is: Easter
Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified and Easter Sunday when He rose.
Name a Spring flower?
What is: Crocus, daffodil, tulip
What day signifies the first day of Spring?
What is: The equinox
This Year is March 20th!
What are female rabbits called?
What is: A doe
How long does it take for a Robin to build her nest?
What is: 2-6 days
What holiday marks the celebration of Spring and its warm weather, by decorating with flowers and holding festivals?
What is: May Day
What are caterpillars doing in Spring?
What is: Eating
In spring, do days get longer or shorter?
What is: Longer
What are baby bunnies called when in their litter?
What is: Kittens
Do Robins lay more that one clutch (set) of eggs in Spring?
What is: Yes, they can.
A Robin may lay up to 4 sets of eggs if conditions are favourable. Usually each clutch contains 3-4 eggs.
What special day is mentioned on most calendars in the month of May that honours many females, young and old?
What is: Mothers Day
What is an activity people often do in the Spring?
What is: Spring cleaning
When it is Spring in Canada, what season is it in Australia?
What is: Autumn
Other than eating berries and leafy vegetables from the garden, what wild flower do rabbits love to eat?
What is: Clover
How long does it take for baby Robins to hatch?
What is:12-14 days
This year, what special day falls on the last day of Spring?
What is: Fathers Day
June 20th is also the last day of Spring.
If a ground hog sees his shadow, what does this mean?
What is: 6 more weeks of winter
Where did Spring gets its name from?
What is: Flowers springing up from the ground
What time of day is busiest for rabbits, when they venture out to eat?
What is: Dawn and dusk
Low light allows rabbits to be more easily hidden from predators.
How many days after hatching are baby Robins able to leave the nest?
What is: 13-14 days
Which was invested first, Mothers Day or Father Day?
Bonus if you can guess the year?
What is: Mothers Day
First official Mothers Day was celebrated in 1914.
What colour pallet is often associated with Spring and Easter?
What is: Pastels