If a patient goes into v fib. This is the first intervention to be done.
What is defib(rillate)?
A chronic renal failure patient presents to the emergency room. The patient receives dialysis 3x week on T, TH, and S. The nurse is NOT alarmed when these 2 values are elevated.
What are BUN and creatinine?
A patient presents with chronic cirrhosis secondary to ETOH abuse. Liver enzymes are elevated and THIS discoloration of the skin and sclera is present.
What is jaundice?
Pantoprazole is often ordered for GI prophylaxis on patients that are admitted to the hospital. Pantoprazole is THIS class of medication.
What is a proton pump inhibitor?
As you are assessing your patient, you notice that their abdomen is significantly distended, and that there has been a downward trend in blood pressure and an upward trend in HR over the past 5 hours. What lab can you anticipate the doctor will order to rule out a GI bleed?
What is a hemoglobin and hematocrit?
In this rhythm, the P wave is upright and precedes every QRS complex and the rate falls between 60-100.
What is NSR?
A patient is newly diagnosed with CHF. The nurse knows to anticipate this lab value to be elevated related to excessive stretch of the cardiac muscle.
What is BNP?
In preparation of administering digoxin, the nurse assesses (1) THIS for a full minute, which can be found (2) HERE.
Tinnitus is an uncommon, yet serious adverse effect of this diuretic.
What is furosemide (or lasix)?
This is the priority treatments for a patient in septic shock.
What are antibiotics and fluids?
This rhythm is characterized by a "saw-tooth" appearance.
What is atrial flutter?
A diabetic patient who has surgery this afternoon calls the nurse to the bedside. Upon assessment the patient is diaphoretic and shaking. The nurse can anticipate this imbalance.
What is hypoglycemia?
A patient presents with abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. After assessment, the nurse notes tenderness on palpation and percussion, guarding, and positive rebound tenderness. The nurse can suspect this diagnosis.
What is appendicitis?
A patient presents with swelling on the LLE. The area is painful and red. The nurse suspects (1) THIS diagnosis and (2) THIS drip to be initiated.
A 54 year old woman presents to the ER complaining of feeling "like an elephant is sitting on her chest". The nurse knows to anticipate this initial diagnostic and labs.
In this type of rhythm there is a delay in conduction through the AV node leading to a prolonged PR interval (>.20 seconds).
What is 1st degree AV block?
A patient presents to the ER complaining of pain at his incision site. The patient has recently received surgery for a bone fracture. Upon assessment, the patient has a BP of 91/48, temp of 100.9F, and the incision site is red and draining purulent drainage. You know to order this lab to determine if the patient is in septic shock.
What is lactic acid? (*wound cultures and wbc' will determine infection but not necessarily sepsis!)
During assessment the nurse finds that the patient is a GCS of 7 however all vital signs are WNL. The nurse knows that the patients this is compromised.
What is the patient's airway?
After drawing labs on a cardiac patient the nurse notices that the K is 3.3. The nurse knows that this is a contraindication for this cardiac glycoside due to increased risk of toxicity. Bonus points - s/s of toxicity
What is digoxin?
What is regular insulin?
This is a type of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia characterized on electrocardiogram by oscillatory changes in amplitude of the QRS complexes around the isoelectric line.
What is tornadoes de pointes?
A patient is recently admitted for fluid overload. The doctor prescribes furosemide. The morning after administering the first dose, you notice the patient is now having frequent PVC's. You know to anticipate THIS electrolyte imbalance.
What is HYPOkalemia?
A patient presents with sudden confusion, slurred speech, and unequal pupils. The nurse knows to anticipate this diagnostic test. *hint- we are looking for the most accurate diagnostic test
What is MRI of the brain?
What is renal function?
In rapid sequence intubation the nurse knows to administer THIS type of medication per doctors orders before administering the paralytic.