Should the SLP review the audiogram when developing an AR plan?
Passive, aggressive, assertive, passive-aggressive
What is the purpose of counseling?
Help the clients and communication partners understand and solve hearing related problems.
What is the etiology of tinnitus?
Varied and Unknown
The HHIA is an example of a(n)______
What should be discussed when developing a communication strategies training program?
Who should be involved, frequency of therapy, what therapy approach should be used.
True or False: research suggests that participating in a communication strategies training program can show a change in hearing acuity?
What is guided learning?
Practicing targeted skills in a structured setting.
What is one important difference that we need to consider when working with older adults vs. younger adults with AR?
Changes in mobility/physical condition.
How is MLT calculated?
Words divided by turns
Refusing to use the phone due to difficulty hearing is an example of___.
When assessing conversational fluency, which communication domains do we look at?
Hearing related counseling that is designed to explain the characteristics of the clients hearing loss and explain how to use devices is referred to as _____.
Informational counseling
How often should trouble shooting/ device maintenance occur?
WATCH is an acronym for what?
Short tutorials
Examples of participation restriction include____.
Avoiding social activities/ gatherings a person previously enjoyed.
What type of strategy is being used?
Bob stresses words and shortens sentences when speaking to his 94 year old mother with hearing loss.
Facilitative strategy
What is the cognitive approach to counseling?
relies on intellectual means for addressing problems related to hearing loss by using logic to direct and redirect individuals' thoughts and beliefs.
What is presbycusis?
The term associated with age-related hearing loss.
What is considered when developing an AR plan?
Participation restriction, activity limitations, service delivery regulations, geopgraphic area, funding method, family situation, job type etc.
speaking in short sentences with familiar vocabulary is an example of the implicit conversational rule of _____
Message delivery
Which counseling approach centers on feelings?
Patient motivation