Church Tradition
Lives of the Saints

This, if used properly to avoid idolatry, is a way to capture heavenly realities in our physical senses.    It can depicts Christ, Mary, angels and saints.   

What is an Icon.


This Saints feast day is October 9th.  Many of his family members deserted him when he became Catholic at 44.  He taught at many colleges and wrote many books.  Colleges have established societies for young Catholics to meet and engage in faith at school.

Who is St. John Henry Newman

Examples of this would include blessings, making the sign of the cross, the veneration of relics, holy water, statues, medals, the scapular, the rosary, pilgrimages, incense, processions.  

What is Sacramentals.


This Saints feast day is November 13th.  She became a nun and came to America to serve the Italian immigrants.  In New York she overcame many hardships.  She founded 67 institutions-orphanages, schools, hospitals.  She was the first US citizen to become a saint.

Who is St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.  Patron saint of immigrants.


This is the rich symbol of our prayers ascending to God.  In Psalm 141 it is described as billowing clouds of prayer ascending to God's throne in heaven.

What is incense.


This Saints feast day is November 27th.  She is the patron saint of musicians.  She sang to God in her heart at her wedding.  She encouraged others to be Baptized so that they too could see the Angel of Lord that followed her.

Who is Saint Cecilia


The official language of the Catholic Church.

What is Latin.


This Saints feast day is March 4th.  He is the patron saint of Poland.  He was committed to God at an early age and rebelled against the rich life as a son of a King.  He rejected even ordinary comforts and slept little and spent nights in prayer.

Who is Saint Casimir.


The Church's Tradition includes all that Christ entrusted to the Church through the Apostles, which they handed down by their preaching, writings and worship.  Together, Sacred Scripture and Tradition make up one Sacred BLANK.

What is the Deposit of Faith.


This saints feast is January 28th.  He is known for his scholarly writings such as Summa Contra Gentiles and popular Holy Hour Hymns (i.e. Tantum Ergo)

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas.
