Someone sent you a funny text, if you don't want to send a laughing emoji, then what slang frase do you send?
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
These little stuffed animals were put on America's store shelfs in 1993. These stuffed animals were not filled with stuffing, but with a diffrent material. What is the name of this stuffed animal?
Beanie Babies
What letter was removed from Broadway seats as a result of audience members confusing it with a number?
What dog, due to overbreeding, has developed breathing problems?
Biden believes that this app is spying on the user's in the USA. This app is owned by the Chinese company called 'ByteDance.' What is this app called?
Tik Tok
How many time zones does Russia have?
These digital pets took America by storm in 1997. Playing off of childhood nostalgia, you can still get your hands on one today. What is the name of this digital pet?
What was the longest-running Broadway show?
Phantom of the Opera
What is the fastest dog breed in the world?
If the Book can't solve your answer, where do 8.5 billion people go
What two countries commonly mistaken as being the same size, even tho one is bigger than the other by .2 million square kilometers?
USA & China
This shoe type became popular again in the '90s grunge community. What was this shoe?
Doc Martens
This Broadway Musical was the first one to be recorded and released to the publics TV's. What is the name of the musical?
What dog breed was named the state dog of Alaska in 2010.
Alaskan Malamute
If this treat is sweet, the rainbow trail is long, and the animal is cute. Finish the name of the famous internet cat: '___ cat.'
Nyan Cat
What was the war that happend in 1982 between Argintina and the UK called?
The Falkland's War
In 1991, a huge event happend that rattled the world with shock also ending a war. What happened?
USSR colaps
What decade was the first ever brodway musical premiered in?
This dog breed was favored by Chinese royalty. What is this dog breed?
In 2022, a certain state in America was being memed over all platforms as stating that if something was called this states name it would be weird or out of the ordinary. What is the state?
Fill in the blank:
The ______ disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.
This Pepsi product was released to the public in 1992, but was taken off of shelves two years later because of its extreme hate from the public. What is the name of this Pepsi drink?
Crystal Pepsi
Finish this lyric from the musical Hamilton:
'The Schyler Sisters, Angelica, Peggy,_____. (Work!)'
What dog breed has won the most best in show at westminster
Wire Fox Terrier