The word describing the size change of a string being wound up, rather than strait.
What is shrinking?
What is 5071?
Science. The terminal velocity of a large egg, estimated in MPH.
What is 75MPH?
Britan hired some these Americans.
Who are loyalists?
This is not traditional Jeopardy style. There were 5 apples. I took 3. How many apples do I have?
3 apples.
Einstein's theory of energy
What is E=MC2?
What is 1558?
Math. (5x303+902)/1000=__
What is 2.7?
The general of the patriots in the revolutionary war.
Who was George Washington?
Free Points! Ding and say it!
What are free points?
The shape any airborn object's center of mass follows.
What is an arch?
What is 82?
Revolution. The peak of the British army in the revolutionary war, estimated.
What is 50000?
True or False: Patriot soldiers were paid, trained, and professionals.
What is false?
This is not traditional Jeopardy style. I am not a banana. What am I?
Not a banana.
The term in physics that means a variable that cannot be negative.
What is there is no term?
What is 1278?
Brain teasers. This is not traditional Jeopardy style. 6 people went into a restaurant. The same 6 people went out. What was the name of the 6 people?
6 people.
A knife on a gun.
What is a bayonet?
This is not traditional Jeopardy style. Lucy and Joe got married. 2 years later they divorced. When did they divorce?
2 years after they married.
The terminal velocity of the average human, measured in MPH
What is 120MPH?
What is 38?
Final Jeopardy. My name is __
What is __?
Free points! Ding and say it!
What are free points?
This is not traditional Jeopardy style. A butcher is 5ft 10". What does he weigh?