Coping Skills
From the book
General Knowledge

What is a citizen?

A member of a community such as a school, city, state, or country.


Lily just started college at Cornell and she is having a hard time following along with the professor. What coping skill(s) could she use?

Get help when you need it.


Which value goes with following the rules and being nice to each other?



How are you rewarded for volunteering?

You learn job skills and gain valuable work experience that you can include on college applications and job résumés.


Name three rights and responsibilities of Citizens.

Respect others' rights, obey laws, prevent and report crime, comply with emergency and security procedures, pay taxes, stay informed, participate in government, perform jury duty when called, and serve in the military if called.


What is collaboration?

The combined, cooperative efforts of everyone in a group.


Sarah has moved to a different state for a new job. She misses her friends and her family back home. What coping skill(s) could she use?

Make a friend, think positively, keep active, and volunteer.


What value is showing ownership and doing chores and homework?



List three ways you can help with volunteering.

Help at a local food bank, homeless shelter, senior citizens' center, or animal shelter.


What is service learning?

Taking what you learn in the classroom and using it to meet community needs.


What is a volunteer?

Someone who puts caring into action by offering services free of charge.


Billy, in high school, was a very active boy. Now that he has entered college, he has found that it's hard to work out and go to doctor appointments. What coping skills could Billy use?

Keep active, eat healthy, think positively, and get help when you need it.


What value is shown when showing up when you say you are and being there for others?



Identify two qualities it takes to be responsible.

Reliable and accountable.


Name four things a volunteer uses to make a difference.

Enthusiasm, talents, skills, and time (to improve the life of others).


What is accountability?

Being able to accept the consequences of your actions and words.


Phoebe was struggling with matching her bills and her paycheck in order to pay her bills and taxes on time. She was trying to figure out what she was doing wrong when it came to money. Her landlord was threatening to kick her out because her bills weren't being paid. What coping skills could she use?

Look ahead, think positively, and get help when you need it.


Which value is shown when exercising, eating healthy, and doing things on time?



What is a personal standard?

A rule or principle you set for yourself.


List the two benefits of practicing leadership.

Inspire others and point others in the right direction.


What is the Outreach Program?

Program that offers assistance or services to the community.


Timmy just got a new job working for Perdue. He has his first assignment due this Friday. He takes his work home with him and talks to his coworker at work. It's Thursday night and Timmy is having a hard time getting his assignment done. He is worried it won't get done in time. What could Timmy use as a coping skill to help him?

Take advantage of new abilities.


Billy Bob was going 70 MPH in a 55 in his neighborhood. A little kid was crossing the road and a stop sign was coming up. Billy Bob was on his phone and didn't see the stop sign. The little kid looked both ways and saw the car and didn't cross the road. Billy Bob felt horrible. What did Billy Bob not show in this situation?



Freddy is working at Olive Garden. His customers are a family of four (mom, dad, daughter, son). The dad takes the bill and puts his card on it. Freddy takes the bill and tries to register it. His card was declined. What should Freddy do?

Show discretion by pulling him off to the side, slipping a note or asking him to come up to the register.


List all eight coping with change strategies.

Look ahead, think positively, take advantage of new abilities, get help when you need it, keep active, eat healthy-ish, volunteer, and make a friend.
