This phrase is used to guide us to learn that you can control your behaviors, not your thoughts. Don't let your thoughts control where you want to go.
What is "Passengers on the bus"
Being present in the moment without judgment.
What is "mindfulness"
OCD treatment of exposing oneself to feared situations to practice overcoming anxiety.
What is "ERP"
This metaphor is used to describe how our fears/intrusive thoughts are fighting with the urge to ritualize. Practicing acceptance can help stop the fight and set the rope down.
What is "The Tug-of-War, or Put the Rope Down"
The mindful practice of searching for colors in the room.
What is the "Rainbow grounding technique"
The process of completing exposures that go beyond "typical/normal" activities to help prevent relapses. Ex. Sitting on the bathroom floor.
What is "overlearning"
This phrase is used to help us acknowledge that when your openness is set low, it practically guarantees that your intrusive thoughts will be more intense. By practicing higher openness, we will lessen the intensity of our intrusive thoughts.
What is the "Dial or Scale Metaphor"
Powering through an exposure/anxiety-provoking situation, not staying mindful.
What is "white knuckling"
Exposures used to induce physical symptoms of anxiety and panic.
What are "Interoceptive Exposures"
The name of the Jerk in the example given for the "Jerk at the door" metaphor?
What is "Jeff"
The ratio of undos to submits for BAN tracking we want to try and obtain.
What is "1:1 ratio"
Practicing a conscious effort to acknowledge and honor difficult situations and emotions, or the uncertainty of a feared outcome.
What is "radical acceptance"
The two names of the teams in the Chess Board metaphor.
What are "Serenity and OCD team"
The phenomenon where the more we try not to think about something- like an intrusive thought or fear- the more we are likely to have that thought.
What is "The thought suppression Paradox"