what was the name of McDonalds theme park
McDonalds land
what is the deadliest insect
what is M.I.B. about
people stopping aliens with wierd devices
why did the skeleton go to the party alone
he had no body to go with him
what are the names of all the planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
what is a sandwich
it is a bread cheese bread situation
what is the deadliest jelly fish
the box jelly fish
what is love island
it is a show where you fall in love and get money
how many bones are in our bodies
what are the planets named after
what is ice cream made off
ice and cream and the yummiest food
what is the largest land animal
be specific
African elephant
what did mickey mouse do with the wizards hat in fantasia
he made an army of water carrying brooms to do his job for him
free 300 points
are there life forms in space
duh yes
what is healthier
subway or McDonalds
what is the largest animal
blue whale
what show has a purple dino
barney the purple dinosaur
how long can the average human hold there breath
3 mins
how cold is space
roughly 2.7 degrees Kelvin
what burger joint has the best burgers
who is the best dog
what show has 8 seasons and has been running since I could speak
PAW patrol
what is the average body temperature
37 degrees Celsius
how long is a light year
9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles
and yes I searched it up