First Job
Work Skills
Employment Hygiene
Labor Laws etc

What do you need to fill out if you want a job?

job application


What do I do if I am not sure how to do something?

Ask for help


How do I prevent my breath smelling?

By brushing my teeth before work!


What is minimum hourly wage in Massachusetts?

$15.00 an hour


Can I collect unemployment?

Not if you quit! You need to be let go by the employer, in good standard because they didn't need your help anymore.


What is it called when you meet with an employer and they ask you questions?



What do I do if I am running late?

let your boss know

What should I do everyday to prevent smelling bad?

Take a bath or shower!


How old do you have to be to work in Massachusetts?

14 years old with working papers.


Will I loose my SSI if I get a job?

No but they amount will change.  Talk to your DDS worker or a trusted adult for help. 


What is the wonderful thing you get when you start working????

A paycheck! But the self confidence is nice too!


What is the most important skill to have as an employee?

Be Positive! Be a hard worker! Stay busy, ask for projects, move on to next when finished!


In many areas nail hygiene is important. Name 3 things that help with this area of work hygiene.

Cut Nails, Clean Nails and wear gloves if expected (Kitchen or medical work).


If you were scheduled for 3 hours but your employer told you they didn't need you or to go home, do you still get paid?

Yes. 3 hours of pay is mandatory. (Not at charitable organizations).


When should you call out of work? Sick, Video game tourney, my friend is coming over...?

You should always give a couple weeks notice if you need to be absent for an appointment, but you can call out if you are sick. You should not go to work with a fever over 100 or diarrhea. 


What is taken out of your paycheck?

Taxes. And sometimes benefits like health care, retirement, medical spending card etc. if you choose!


What do I do when I finish my work?

Ask what is next or develop a list to go through so you don't have to stop & ask!


How should you wear your hair at work?

It depends! Check with your employer! It might have to be back or covered in a hair net.


Do you always get a break at work?

6 hour shift = 15 minutes paid break. But ask your employer what your break schedule is!


If I work in a restaurant am i allowed to snack on food in the kitchen during work? 

No, That is stealing. If your manager or the owner offers something then it is ok.


How do you keep a job? (Name 2)

1. Work hard

2. Be on time

3. Have a great attitude!


How should you arrive to work?

on time / work ready


How do you handle if a coworker has poor hygiene?

wait for a good time to approach them alone or ask your manager for help talking to them.


Can you get fired?

Yes. You can be fired anytime with out reason. There should be a witness. If you think it was an unfair firing talk with a trusted adult.


How many jobs does the average person hold before they turn 40?

7! Most people don't find the perfect job immediately, keep trying until it is something you love! You are allowed to change your mind!
