Luna's age
What is 3 years old
My original hair color
What is dark brown
My amount of friends
What is nine
My first anime
What is Glitter Force
The length
What is infinity?
Luna's favorite toy
What is catnip banana
Most worn color
What is black
My favorite school lunch
What is cheeseburger
My longest interest
What is Bnha
My pookie wookie dookie
What is Hazel
Luna's original owner
What is Montana
What is dark brown
My favorite class
What is Ela
My most recent interest
What is Faroff
My wife
What is Delilah
Luna's mix-breed
What is tabby and calico
My style
What is alternative clothing
My homeroom teacher
What is Mrs. Gibson
My favorite interest
What is Arcane
My omegaverse standing
Color of Luna's eyes
What is greenish yellow
My age
My elective
What is theatre
My favorite movie
What is Nimona