One more drink, especially of alcohol, before leaving a particular place (often a bar).
One for the road
Something that can be damaged without a lot of effort:
able to be put a piece of clothing in a washing machine without being damaged:
to find something or someone by chance:
to come across
to want something very much:
to ache for
to have something given to you free by a business:
On the house
of a business or activity when one got financial gain:
materials or products can be used again after they have been treated using a special industrial process:
to illuminate or cause to illuminate
to make or become cheerful or animated
to light up
to please or attract someone:
appeal to
to swallow a drink completely without stopping to breathe:
to chug
capable of being elucidated, as a problem.
Something like furniture and clothes provides a pleasant feeling and do not give you any physical problems:
showing love for your country and being proud of it:
To ask one to go on a date.
ask out
A phrase used at the end of a toast by extension, a phrase of agreement or assent.
I'll drink to that
To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge; to foretell something:
of activity or occasion giving delight or pleasure:
the official right to belong to a particular country:
to come for a visit, esp. without having received an invitation for a specific time:
a person who abstains totally from intoxicating drink:
it can be achieved or performed:
to keep away from; keep clear of; shun; to prevent from happening:
a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong:
to become silent suddenly, usually because you are embarrassed or nervous, or do not want to talk about a particular subject:
clam up