Wild Card
Purpose and Direction; Governance and Leadership; Teaching and Assessing for Learning; Resources and Support Systems; and Using Results for Continuous Improvement.
What are the five Standards by which NMSA will be reviewed.
Minutes from meetings, copy of a strategic plan or the School's EPSS, or survey results.
What are examples of evidence.
NMSA provides access to a rigorous mastery arts and academic high school education for youth with passion and aptitude in the arts, leading to post-secondary learning, careers in the arts, and lives that contribute to society.
What is NMSA's Mission Statement
A component of the Standard and indicators that serves as a guide to help assess an institution's adherence to the Standards.
What is a Performance Level.
Technology plan, budget to improve technology services, and policies, documentation of firedrills, school calendars, and school budgets for the last three years.
What are examples of evidence for Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems.
Thorough descriptions of exemplary practices and processes, together providing a comprehensive picture of each standard.
What are the indicators and related performance levels.
1, 2, 3, and 4, with 4 being exemplary.
What are the number of Performance Levels for each indicator.
March 24 and 25, 2015
What are the dates of the External Review.
Level that shows something rarely or never occurs.
What is Level 1.
Staff, students, parents, community members and others who have a vested interest in NMSA.
What are stakeholders.
The system's curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grade levels.
What is Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
A process that is conducted on-site by a team of qualified and trained educators to evaluate a school's adherence to the Standards for Quality.
What is an External Review
This group responsible for Standard 2: Governance and Leadership.
What is the Governing Council.
The system engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review, revise and communicate a system-wide purpose for student achievement.
What is an indicator (1.1) for Standard 1: Purpose and Direction.
The continuous and collaborative process for an institution to use the standards and indicators as a guide for for improvement and a determination of its current reality and that involves stakeholder input.
What is a Self Assessment (SA).
The system maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a reason for continuous improvement that commits to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
What is Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
A group of people responsible for oversight and policy setting in the School.
What is the Governing Council
Curriculum, instruction and assessment throughout the system are monitored and adjusted systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of professional practice.
What is an indicator of Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning.
Breakdown of the Standards that provide a description and framework by which a school is assessed.
What are are Indicators.
Using Results for Continuous Improvement.
What is Standard 5.
Protocol of comprehensive evaluation and external review, supported by research-based standards.
What is accreditation.
Course descriptions, lesson plans, student work, and teacher evaluation criteria.
What are examples of evidence for Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning.
NMSA is a public/private partnership comprised of the Art Institute, a nonprofit art educational institution, and a public charter high school. NMSA’s provides the highest standards of excellence in preparing NM’s artistically talented students to compete in the national arena for post-secondary education and/or professional careers in the arts. NMSA offers pre-professional instruction in the performing and visual arts with rigorous academics leading to a high school diploma.
What is NMSA's Statement of Purpose.
The scoring of indicators on a scale of 1-4.
What are performance levels.
Resources and Support Systems.
What is Standard 4.