The number of flats in the Concert Bb scale.
What is 2?
Draw a treble clef.
Names of the lines of the bass clef from top to bottom
Articulation meaning short and accented.
What is marcato?
Name this symbol:
What is a whole rest
Common time
What is 4/4?
Identify the 3rd whole note in TREBLE clef:
What is C
Identify the 1st whole note in Bass Clef:
What is C
Softest dynamic
What is pianissimo (pp)?
Which note is play with the middle finger on the trumpet? (I complain about this a lot!)
What is B-natural?
A time signature meaning 2 half notes per measure where the half note gets the beat?
What is 2/2 OR Cut time?
Names of the lines of the treble clef from bottom to top.
Spaces of the bass clef from bottom to top
This means to play suddenly loud and then soft.
What is sforzando piano (sfp)?
Another name for F#
What is Gb
Name of the key signature with 4 flats:
What is Ab?
Another name of the treble clef.
The G Clef
List 4 instruments in band that read in BASS clef
What is bassoon, trombone, euphonium, tuba,
These 2 terms BOTH mean to get softer.
What is decrescendo AND diminuendo?
This means to gradually slow down.
What is Ritardando or rit.
Method for figuring out the name of a sharp key signature?
Find the last sharp, go one line/space above.
The word that the treble clef spaces spell out
What is FACE?
Another name for the bass clef
F Clef
A playing style we find in slower music.
What is legato?
Tempo meaning fast.
What is allegro?