Indirect Speech: Backshifts in Tense and Time Expressions
Cleft Sentences
Adverb Clauses of Condition

When someone "keeps things bottled up inside," he or she _______________ to talk about uncomfortable feelings such as anger. 

a. is willing

b. isn't willing

b. isn't willing


When a reporting verb is in the simple past tense, backshifting is optional when the statement refers to something just said, something that's still true, or a scientific general truth. 



Ann told me that she needs (OR needed) to renew her passport. [Something still true]

Tom just called. He said that the director is (OR was) leaving. [Something just said]

He noted that the Earth is (OR was) the 5th largest planet in the solar system. [scientific or general truth]


_________________ that my co-worker always criticizes me. 

a. What make me kind of angry is

b. What makes me kind of angry is

c. What makes me kind of angry are

b. What makes me kind of angry is

What makes me kind of angry is that my co-worker always criticizes me.


_______ she hurries up, we will be late. 

a. If 

b. Otherwise 

c. Unless

c. Unless

Unless she hurries up, we will be late.


be hot-tempered 

getting angry much too easily


*Unreal Conditional Statements* Which is INCORRECT?

a. If only I were more organized, I'd get a lot more done. 

b. I wish I were more organized, I'd get a lot more done. 

c. I regret that I'm not more organized, I'd get a lot more done. 

d. Whether or not I'm more organized, I'd get a lot more done. 

d. Whether or not I'm more organized, I'd get a lot more done.


Which Sentence is Converted to Indirect Speech Correctly?

(Direct) My friend Peter said, "I have never seen such beautiful paintings before." 

a. My friend Peter said that he had never seen such beautiful paintings before. 

b. My friend Peter said that he never saw such beautiful paintings before. 

a. My friend Peter said that he had never seen such beautiful paintings before.


____________________ that you didn't even give me a chance to be your boyfriend. 

a. What bothered me the most is

b. What bothered me the most were

c. What bothered me the most was

c. What bothered me the most was

What bothered me the most was that you didn't even give me a chance to be your boyfriend.


We'll have fun at the party _________ we don't get to dance. 

a. if only

b. otherwise

c. even if

c. even if

We'll have fun at the party even if we don't get to dance.


be a procrastinator 

a person who puts things off and waits till the last minute to do things


*Transitional topic sentences* Which of the following can be used to CONTRAST INFORMATION? 

a. Furthermore

b. More importantly 

c. Moreover

d. Despite the fact that

d. Despite the fact that


Which expression of time and place: backshifts in indirect speech is INCORRECT? 

a. last week -> the week before

b. next month -> the following month 

c. yesterday -> today 

d. today -> that day

c. yesterday -> today


Alex decided to have a talk with his boss. 

a. It was Alex where decided to have a talk with his boss.

b. It was Alex who decided to has a talk with his boss. 

c. It was Alex who decided to have a talk with his boss. 

c. It was Alex who decided to have a talk with his boss.


__________ Andrew is a nice person, women still reject him.

a. Unless

b. Otherwise

c. Whether or not 

c. Whether or not

Whether or not Andrew is a nice person, women still reject him.

a. Unless


shrug it off 

decide not to be bothered by something


*Transitional topic sentences* Which of the following can be used to ADD INFORMATION? 

a. However

b. Nevertheless

c. Moreover

d. On the other hand

c. Moreover


Which of the following is NOT a reporting verb? 

a. theorize

b. insist

c. like

d. continue

c. like


What I'm trying to say ______________________. 

a. What I'm trying to say is that I wish I hadn't been rude to you. 

b. What I'm trying to say are that I wish I isn't rude to you. 

c. What I'm trying to say was that I wish I hadn't been rude to you. 

a. What I'm trying to say is that I wish I hadn't been rude to you.


__________ she has plenty of time to prepare, she'll still be late. 

a. Even if

b. Only if

c. Unless

Even if she has plenty of time to prepare, she'll still be late. 

a. Even if 


hold it in / keep it inside 

avoid expressing your feelings


Which is CORRECT? 

a. "Please don't break Andrew's heart" Melanie said. 

b. My friend said, Helen, please apologize to Andrew. 

c. "Natalia and Helen," Robyn said, "please apologize for hurting Andrew." 

d. Andrew said, "Helen rejected me" on Valentine's Day. 

c. "Natalia and Helen," Robyn said, "please apologize for hurting Andrew."


Questions in Indirect Speech: He asked, "Did you find that joke funny?" (Two Answers Are Correct) 

a. He asked if I had found the joke funny. 

b. He asked whether or not I had found the joke funny. 

c. He asked if I had found the joke funny? 

d. He asked Whether or not I had found the joke funny? 

e. Both a & b

f. Both c & d

e. Both a & b


The way she talks to people is so offensive. 

a. Its the way she talks to people that's so offensive.

b. It's the way she talks to people that's so offensive.

c. That's the way she talks to people that's so offensive.

b. It's the way she talks to people that's so offensive.


Take your umbrella with you. ________ you'll get wet.

a. Unless

b. Only if

c. Otherwise 

c. Otherwise

Take your umbrella with you. Otherwise, you'll get wet.


go ballistic

answer: got really angry
