This is the total number of federal district courts.
This is the term for drawing voting districts to prefer a specific party or candidate.
This Amendment allows you to form a militia.
Second Amendment
This is the name of the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
John Roberts
This governing body has the "Power of the Purse."
The House of Representatives
This Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Fourth Amendment
This proposal called for a two house legislature, a chief executive, and a judiciary
Virginia Plan
What "rule" did Baker vs. Carr establish?
One person, One vote.
The longest filibuster in U.S. history occurred in debates over what bill, and how long did it last?
Civil Rights Act of 1964, a measure that occupied the Senate for 60 working days, including seven Saturdays
This Amendment declares that people also have rights that are not directly written in the Constitution.
Ninth Amendment
By leaving most of the powers to the states, the Articles of Confederation revealed this about our first government.
Fear of strong central power.
The rule of precedent is also known as...
Stare Decisis
This is the term for officially ending a filibuster.
This Amendment gives you the right to a jury, even in a civil case.
Seventh Amendment
This is the name of the position responsible for filtering the cases that the Supreme Court hears, and representing the U.S. Government in front of SCOTUS.
Solicitor General
This committee controls the calendar, and thus controls the fate of most bills in the House of Representatives.
The Rules Committee
States rights are further explained by what Amendment?
Tenth Amendment