Build A Wall

People, places, things, and feelings became associated with alcohol and drug use and can activate or _______ thoughts about using alcohol/drugs. 

What is triggers


You should become aware of what people, places and things trigger thoughts of drugs. Recovering people should learn to recognize and ________ their triggers, which is step 1 of defusing triggers. 

What is identify


Addiction influenced thinking leads many people to believe that if they don't use drugs for a few days or week that the ______ is solved.

What is problem


 The most basic, involves eating healthy food, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, taking care of your hygiene, and medical problems. This is level I: _____ well-being.

What is physical


Making a mental image of a recent high risk situation when you thought about drinking/using and then reminding yourself that you are relaxed, comfortable and safe and then focusing on problem-solving/reflection is called ______ exercise. 

What is visualization


Triggers automatically lead to drug thoughts. Drug thoughts lead to drug craving & obsession. Drug craving and obsession often lead to ______. 

What is relapse.


Step 2 states that whenever possible, people should ______ all high risk situations, high risk people, and other triggers. 

What is avoid


Many people who become addicted have addictive ________ that involve doing many things in an extreme way and making decisions based on emotion. 

What is personalities. 


Everyone has problems, but _____ well-being (level 2) means that you are able to manage your emotions and talk about problems without letting them control your life. 

What is emotional 


You begin thinking about using. You start to thinking about your goals in life and how important they are to you. You think about how using when interfere with those goals. You then think about the next steps to reach those goals. That is an example of _____ ______. 

What is thought stopping


______ triggers are emotional states that people may experience prior to, during, or after substance use.

What is internal

Step 3 states that some triggers, such as specific days of the week, certain times of the day, or specific feelings, cannot be avoided. These triggers can be ________, however, by engaging in a healthy activity that can break the power of the trigger. 

What is interrupted


Placing yourself in ___-____ trigger situation usually does not happen by accident. 

What is high-risk

There is a recommendation to not begin new or romantic/sexual relationships because they tend not to be stable and can lead to relapse. It may be necessary to keep away from relationships that are causing significant conflict. Level 3 of the wall is relationship _____. 

What is stability.


Building a wall can help prevent relapse, but it is not an easy process. It requires time and ________. 

What is commitment


_______ triggers include events, places, things, or times that the user has learned to associate with prior substance use. 

What is external


Step 5 states that a trigger leads people to think about drugs. These thoughts lead to craving and relapse when people continue to have obsessive thoughts about the drugs/alcohol. ________ ________ is another way to defuse triggers. 

What is thought-stopping


The earlier you stop the process of relapse at any step, but the _____ you stop the process, the more likely it is that you will be able to prevent a full-blown relapse. 

What is earlier 


Spirituality is an other-centered process. It is never ending. You continue to learn and reach higher levels throughout your life. This expands your mind and helps you find what i meaningful to you. Level 4 of the wall is spiritual _____. 

What is growth


There are many reasons we are afraid to ____ others. But overcoming addiction is a very difficult process, and most people need the help of others. 

What is trust


_______ triggers are related to the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 

What is sensory


The goal is to stop triggers from causing drug hunger. Silence is the enemy of recovery. Step 4 is __________ in order to defuse the trigger.

What is talking about triggers


The best time to stop a trigger from leading to relapse is before a specific trigger is experienced or before a trigger leads to _____. 

What is cravings


One should know their vulnerabilities  in order to know what to avoid, or how to deal with them. This level requires practical solutions to lifelong problems. This is level 5: Knowing your _______. 

What is weaknesses


Changing your lifestyle and ______ requires frequent positive reinforcement and social support. 

What is attitude. 
