The extra chromosome in trisomy comes from this type of cell.
What is an egg or sperm cell?
This historical event in 1959 led to the discovery of trisomy 21.
What is the discovery of an extra chromosome in individuals with Down syndrome?
This type of doctor helps families understand conditions like trisomy.
What is a geneticist?
SOFT was founded in this decade.
What is the 1980s?
This tool can help children with trisomy communicate when speech is difficult.
What is an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) device?
Trisomy most commonly occurs due to this error in cell division.
What is nondisjunction?
This famous scientist first described the cause of Down syndrome.
Who is Jérôme Lejeune?
This screening test can detect trisomy conditions as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy.
What is noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)?
SOFT provides this type of service to help families after diagnosis.
What are parent support groups or resources & publications?
This milestone can be considered a major celebration in the life of a trisomy child.
What is their 1st birthday?
The risk of trisomy increases as this parental factor changes.
What is maternal age?
This physician discovered trisomy 18.
Who is Dr. John H. Edwards?
Some children with trisomy require this type of surgery to correct ASD.
What is heart surgery?
This person was the parent founder of SOFT.
Who is Kris Holladay?
Many children with trisomy use this device to help with mobility.
What is a gait trainer or wheelchair?
Trisomy occurs in about this percentage of pregnancies, though many do not survive.
What is 50%?
Yellow, green and pink are the colors most often associated with this trisomy.
What is trisomy 13?
Some children with trisomy have difficulty swallowing and need this therapy.
What is feeding therapy?
SOFT partners with these professionals to improve medical care for trisomy families.
Who are doctors and researchers?
This type of adaptive seating is helpful for children with low muscle tone.
What is a specialized chair or positioning system?
The presence of extra chromosomes can also be seen in this condition found in cats.
What is feline trisomy?
This organization has been empowering families with children diagnosed with Trisomy 18, 13 and related chromosomal disorders for over 40 years.
What is Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders.
This type of treatment plan focuses on comfort and quality of life for children with trisomy.
What is palliative care?
SOFT helps families advocate for this type of care in hospitals.
What is individualized medical treatment?
Some children with trisomy require this device for long-term nutrition.
What is a g-tube or ng-tube?