Who leaped with joy in Elizabeth's womb when Mary arrived at her house?
Who is John the Baptist?
During which Liturgical season does the Church prepare for and rejoice in the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ?
What is Advent?
What do we prepare for in the first two weeks of Advent?
What is Jesus' Second Coming?
Beginning with Gaudete Sunday, what does the Church begin to rejoice for?
What is Jesus' coming at Christmas?
What is the name given to the third Sunday of Advent?
What is Gaudete Sunday?
What Latin word means "to rejoice" ?
What is Gaudete?
Which sacrament is offered at extra times during Advent to help us overcome our sin?
What is Reconciliation/Confession?
What is a tradition within the Church that traces the lineage of Jesus to include David?
What is a Jesse Tree?
Which Liturgical season celebrates the Birth of Jesus?
What is Christmas?
Because Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation, what are all Catholics obliged or required to do to celebrate?
What is Go to Mass?
What is hung in churches throughout Christmas to remind us that Jesus is our newborn King whose reign (like a circle) will never end?
Which name of Jesus means "God is with us"?
What is Emmanuel?
Which candy reminds us to live the virtue of Hope and is shaped like a shepherd's staff?
What is a Candy Cane?