What was Jesus placed in after his birth? Luke 2
A manger
Joseph was from what town? Luke 2
(Hint:Jesus was born here, too.)
What three gifts did the Wisemen bring Jesus? Matthew 2
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
True or False: Joseph was a shepherd.
False. He was a carpenter.
Why did Jesus come to Earth ?
To save us from our sins.
How did the wisemen find Jesus?
They followed a star.
Who told Mary she was going to have a baby ?
An angel.
True or False: The Wisemen told King Herod where Baby Jesus was.
Can you complete this famous verse about Jesus's birth? For unto us a child is born, ______________
Isaiah 9:6
Unto us a son is given
Who announced Baby Jesus’ birth to the shepherds?
Who was Mary going to marry ?
What did King Herod want to do to Baby Jesus?
He wanted to kill him!
Why did Mary and Joseph give the baby the name Jesus ?
They were instructed to by the angel.
What did the army of angels say when they visited the shepherds in the fields?
"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased."
Why did Joseph take Mary to Bethlehem?
In Response to the Censes from Caesar Augustus.
True or False: The Wisemen told Joseph to take his family to Egypt.
False. An angel in old Joseph in a dream to take his family to Egypt.
Where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, FINALLY settle and live?
Who wanted the wisemen to tell him where Baby Jesus was?
King Herod
What was the name of Jesus mother ?
Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
To register for a census