The Kings
What was the Holy Day that was on December 8th (Monday)?
Immaculate Conception
What Sacrament are you preparing for?
The Holy Spirit is one the three Persons of what?
How many weeks are in Advent
What Holy Day is on January 1
Solemnity of Mary
What are the three types of sin?
Original, Mortal and Venial.
What Sacraments have you received?
Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist
Who will confirm you?
Bishop Scott
What color is the candle for the 3rd week of Advent
What is one of the words that the candles represent
Joy, Love, Peace and Hope
What are the three discernments that you can follow during your path throughout life?
Marriage, Consecrated Life, Single
When is confirmation celebrated in the church?
Hint: you will be confirmed on this date also
What is color is the center candle of the Advent wreath
Who made you? What were you made for?
God, to know love serve him.
Marriage and Holy Orders
What is the one of the symbols of confirmation that descended on Jesus at his Baptism?
What does Advent mean?
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
At our last retreat Father Ron talked about someone being anointed with oil on his head, like Jesus was crowned with thorns? Who was this?
King David
In the picture of Pentecost, that we saw at our retreat, what was coming down on Mary and the Apostles?
Tongues of Fire
What will represent that you are sealed with the God's Spirit?
Oil (Sacred Chrism)