In Roman's 1:16, what does the Apostle Paul say he is "not ashamed of"?
The Gospel
Which part of the Bible is authoritative? That is, which part of the Bible has authority over followers of Jesus?
All of it!
Why should a person trust the Bible?
The Bible alone has the truth.
How often should we read the Bible?
Every day!
What does it mean to "proclaim"?
To tell someone something
DOUBLE POINTS!!! Can you sing our song from Psalm 119:105?
HINT: "Your Word..."
Mr. Ethan, did they get it right?
Why is the Bible authoritative?
Because it is God's Word.
How can Christians be confident they are obeying God?
By following the Bible.
Christians must ________, _________, and ____________ the Bible.
Christians must READ, STUDY, and MEDITATE ON the Bible.
How should Christians proclaim the Bible?
In a loving way
The Bible has the power to transform people into what?
In what parts of our lives should the Bible have authority?
Every part of our lives!
In 1 Peter 2:2-3, the Apostle Peter urges Christians to be "like" what?
"newborn infants"
What does it mean to "meditate on" Scripture?
To meditate on Scripture is to fill up your mind with the Word of God and then think about it day and night.
DOUBLE POINTS!! What book is Dr. Ferrell preaching through right now at our church?
What does the Bible reveal about salvation?
Salvation is through faith in Christ alone.
If you don't like what part of the Bible says, you should probably just ignore that part, right? Like, if your friends say something that the Bible says is not cool, you should just forget it, right?
Not right. Not right at all.
What big word do theologians use to refer to growing in Christlikeness?
By studying the Bible, God's people can rightly _________ truth from error.
By studying the Bible, God's people can rightly DISCERN truth from error.
Who ought to proclaim the truth of God's Word: only pastors, or all Christians?
All Christians! Though not all Christians are called to preach from behind a pulpit, all Christians are commanded to proclaim the Bible when they evangelize unbelievers.
What is the big word theologians use to describe how sinners who believe in the saving message of the Gospel are declared righteous before God?
Quote James 1:22.
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
What does it mean when we say that the Bible is "sufficient"?
To say that the Bible is sufficient is to say that the Bible contains everything necessary to be saved and to trust and obey God perfectly.
What Old Testament character stood up and publicly read the Bible to the returned Jewish exiles in Nehemiah 8?
HINT: Another book of the Bible is named after this guy.
In 2 Timothy 4:3, Paul says that certain people will accumulate for themselves false teachers in opposition to God's Word. Without speaking, act out how Paul describes these people. (Anyone on your team can help with this question!)
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but WANTING TO HAVE THEIR EARS TICKLED, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires..." (NASB95)