Who makes up the church?
When can Christians worship God?
All the time!
How many errors or mistakes are in the Bible?
None, the Bible is perfect!
Which parts of the Bible should we obey?
All of the Bible!
Who created Angels?
God created them!
Who can be baptized?
Who should we tell about Jesus and the Gospel?
Who was the Bible written for?
How often should we read the Bible?
We should read it every day!
How many years will the Millennium be?
1,000 Years
Who is the head of the church?
Jesus Christ?
What should our attitude be when giving our tithes, offerings, and gifts to God?
How many books are in the Bible?
66 Books
How does the Bible guide our life?
It shows how we are to live and obey God.
What does the word "tribulation" mean?
Great trouble or suffering.
What happened on the day of Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit came down on the disciples and the church started.
What is necessary for us to have to be saved by God?
Faith in Christ and a repentant heart.
What does it mean when we say the Holy Spirit illuminates the Bible to a Christian?
He helps us understand it.
What does it mean to proclaim God's Word?
It means to tell others what is in the Bible.
When we are judged at the end of time, how will Jesus know if we will go to Heaven or Hell?
If our name is written in the Book of Life, we will go to Heaven. If our name is not written in the Book of Life, we will go to Hell.
What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper?
To remember Christ's sacrifice He made for our sins.
What does it mean to edify other Christians?
To build up and encourage them.
What does it mean that the Bible is "breathed out by God?"
That the Bible is God's Words given to men to write down.
How does the Bible help us become Christian?
It tells us what we need to do to be saved.
What will happen to Satan after he is released from the bottomless pit following the Millennium?
He will be on the earth for a little bit, and then be thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur where he will remain for eternity.