Where did Mr. Clarence attend school growing up? include campus too
Challenger Strawberry Park
Lynbrook High school
What college did Mr. Clarence attend?
UC Riverside
True or False: Mr. Clarence is hopelessly single
False, he is engaged
Mr. Clarence and his 6th grade class once disrupted the wildlife on accident while doing this activity in the lake during Term Project week. What did Mr. Clarence start?
Seaweed battles
What did Mr. Clarence do at his field trip to the aquarium?
What sport(s) did Mr. Clarence compete in for four years?
Football and Track/Field
What did Mr. Clarence study while in college?
Applied Physics and Engineering
Mr. Clarence once had a girlfriend break up with him at Great America. What did this girl do immediately after?
Throw up on his shoes.
Mr. Clarence has once beaten how many 6th grade students in an arm wrestle simultaneously?
What did Mr. Clarence and his friends do in Washington DC that almost got them in trouble?
clogged a toilet with coffee powder mix
Mr. Clarence once rode 55 rides/rollercoasters and was awarded a Tshirt from his favorite amusement park, what is this place?
Great America
gambled it in vegas
Mr. Clarence once had a girlfriend break up with him over a video game. What was the video game and why?
He was being too competitive at Call of Duty
Mr. Clarence once made a bet with a student on how to improve his grade at the end of the year, what was the bet?
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Mr. Clarence once made $800 by selling this item at a 2000% mark up rate, what did Mr. Clarence sell to students at his school?
Plushies of minions/angry birds delivered from China from his uncle.
What did Mr. Clarence "accidentally" do that lead to his mother confiscating his xBox?
Flooded the toilet
Mr. Clarence and his housemates led a wild animal into their backyard and it fed it taco bell, what kind of animal was it?
Mr. Clarence often times likes to joke that he could one day be Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer, what is his reasoning?
Because Tengen has three wives
Mr. Clarence's fiance has agreed to name their first boy after her favorite anime character, what is that name?
Levi Ackerman
What action actually did lead Mr. Clarence to get suspended for the only time in his life?
He bullied a kid a little too hard
Mr. Clarence had a strange teammate who had an even stranger pregame ritual before our football games, what was this ritual?
He had to use the bathroom every game before kickoff
Mr. Clarence and his friends had to kick out an individual from one of their parties once. This individual claimed to have known Mr. Clarence from four years ago, what was the individual's name?
What does Mr. Clarence consider to be his most awkward relationship?
Dating his stalker's cousin
Mr. Clarence got financially lucky in college which helped him set everything up today, what financial blessing did he receive?