
What does it mean to lie?

To NOT say the truth or what actually happened.


What does it mean to "trust" someone?

It's to know you can count on that person.


What does it mean to be loyal?

It means being dependable and true to someone or something. It also means showing complete support to someone.


My friend got a BAD grade and I found out about it before them. Do I tell them that they got a GOOD grade so they'll be happy? What do I tell them? And how?

No, I should tell them the truth but in a comforting way.


What does being "worthy" of something mean?

Being deserving of something.


If I hear my friends talk about my other friends behind their backs, what do I do?

I explain to them that it's not nice to do that and that we should be nice.


I broke my sister's favorite toy and I felt very guilty about it. I don't want her to be mad at me. Do I tell her it was another person who did it?

No. I tell her it was me and I apologize explaining I never meant to hurt her.


What does being "Trustworthy" mean?

It's to be deserving of people's trust. People can count on me.


How can I be a loyal person towards my friends?

Support them, be there for them when they're sad, be an honest and trustworthy friend towards them.


Explain the expression: "White Lie".

It's what some people consider an "innocent lie". But that doesn't make it good. We shouldn't tell it.


How can I be trustworthy to my friends?

To never be mean to them, to never tell their secrets, to keep my promises and have their backs.


How can I be a loyal person towards my family?

I help my family in the house and I don't disrespect them. I keep my promises with them and am nice to them.


I was playing with my eraser in class and I accidently flicked it towards the teacher. The teacher asks who did it? I don't want to get in trouble, what do I do? 

I still tell the truth while explaining it was an accident and I apologize: taking responsibility for my actions.


Me and my friend were playing a game against each other. They won the game, and I felt very sad. How do I act?

Even if I'm sad, I congratulate them and have good spirit about it.


How can I be a loyal person at school (towards my teachers and classmates)?

I do my best in class and listen to the teacher's instructions. I follow the school rules and I am helpful classmate.
