Councilor 101
Social Skills
Wright Trivia
Class Rules

What is your school counselor's name?

Ms. C


What does HEART stand for?

H- Honesty

E- Excellence 

A- Attitude

R- Respect

T- Teamwork


You noticed that one of your friends hasn’t been talking to you very much this week. You see her whispering to other friends and worry she is talking about you. How would you solve this problem?

Nicely ask if something is wrong. Let her know you have felt left out and you just want to make sure that everything is ok between you. 

Remember this is your friend and you should be able to be honest about your feelings and talk to them 


What is Mrs. Wright's favorite color?

Blue and Green!

I can't decide!


When you need to go to the bathroom what do you do?

Quietly raise your hand to ask Mrs. Wright, Get the bathroom pass and the blue cone, put the cone on your desk, then go to the bathroom, and come right back. When you get back you put the cone and pass back.


Describe where the counselor is located?

Front office and back to the right


What is an example of showing teamwork?

Working with others, Seeks diverse team members, Listens and acts with empathy, Does his or her part, Values individual contributions, Gives and receives feedback, Owns team outcomes


You are out at recess and you want to play tag, but your friend wants to play kickball. How would you solve this problem?

Find some other people that want to play tag. You may make some new friends. 


Take turns. Ask to play a round of tag and then you can play kickball next.


Where is Mrs. Wright's favorite place to go on vacation?



What voice level should you be when Mrs. Wright is talking?

Voice level 0


True or False: School Counselors are the only people you should talk to about your problems?

False - If you are having a problem, you should talk to an adult who will listen. That might be a parent, neighbor, teacher, coach etc


What does it mean to have a good attitude? 

Growth Mindset, Working hard, Keep trying,
Positive thoughts


Your favorite pen is missing from your desk. You see a classmate using it. How would you solve this problem?

Nicely let them know that you want your pen back and that they should have asked first. 

If they try to argue with you, walk away and tell a teacher.


What is Mrs. Wright's favorite drink?

Sweet Tea!

I know, I know, but it's not coffee. I only drink that in the morning.


What should you do for dismissal?

  • Listen to announcements
  • Put ALL chairs on the tables
  • Pick up any trash
  • Some put the trashcans by the door
  • Go to the carpet and wait to be dismissed

True/False- My counselor tells me exactly what to do when I have a problem

False - Your counselor will help you become a problem solver, or you will solve the problem together!


What does is mean to show respect? 

Treat people the way you want to be treated, Not talking back to teachers, Not fighting, etc.


You don’t have a lot of nice clothes and one of your classmates keeps saying things about your outfits that hurt your feelings. How would you solve this problem?

Sometimes people are mean. You can try to ask them to stop but, it is important to have a trusted adult you can go to. Let a teacher know that someone is picking on you and wont stop. You can also fill out a councilor form to talk to Ms. C.


True of False: Mrs. Wright has a 9 year old brother.

False. My younger brother is 10. ;)


What happens when you ask to have free time when it's not Friday?

No free time or games on Friday.

No Free Friday.


Finish the sentence:  My school counselor wants me to....

Succeed, be kind, be respectful, try my best, be positive, be the BEST you!


True or False: If I know something bad happened or someone did something wrong and I don't tell a teacher because they didn't ask, I'm being honest.

False, If you know something bad happened and you don't tell a teacher then you are not being honest. You know that you are holding onto a secret or a lie and should share it with a trusted adult.


You are kind of shy and you have a friend that tells you what to do a lot. It is starting to bother you. How can you confront him/her?

A true friend is someone who accepts you unconditionally, helps you grow, supports you in tough times, and increases your ability to love yourself. If they are not doing this then they are not a true friend. You can tell them you don't like being treated like that and that you don't want to be friends anymore. 

You don't have to confront them if you don't want to though. They don't sound like a good friend.


True or False: Mrs. Wright used to race cars.



If I am on IXL can I listen to music?

Yes as long as you are working. Mrs. Wright will have GoGuardian up to make sure, so be honest.
