Mr. Al harthy favorite student
All of you
My birthday. Month and day
Feb 26th
Whats mr. Al harthy favorite sport to play
The only Anime i watch in 2024
Attack on titan
How many kids do mr. Al harthy have Bonus Points if you know the name
favorite soft drink
Mnt. Dew
Graduated college
Favorite sport to watch
American Football
What’s mr. Al harthy favorite childhood anime genre, adventure
Remi nobody's girl
how many siblings do I have. bonus for knowing female and male numbers
2sisters 3 brothers
Favorite candy
almond joy
Country of origin
What position mr. Al harthy played in soccer during high school
Goal keeper
Mr. Al harthy favorite anime he would recommend 2000-2009 genre adventure
full metal alchemists brotherhood
What kind of structure did I live in when i was in college
A barn
Favorite hobby
What year did mr. Al harthy got married
What sports did Mr. Al Harthy lose to his wife in
akame ga kill
beside teaching school im certified to teach what?
scuba diving
Favorite music genre
Irish celtic
what major did i study in under graduate school
Geological engineering
favorite professional European soccer team
Anime character i hate the most
Eren Yeager
How many scripts/ alphabets can i write
Name them for bonus points