Meaning charisma.
What is Rizz?
This beetle is misleading, as it can be both male and female.
What is a Ladybug?
This famous rapper's music may be rocky at times but he always delivers as soon as possible.
Who is A$AP Rocky?
This type of equine behavior indicates you aren't working very hard.
What is Horsing around?
This 7th grade English teacher has a well decorated botanical room with only one neighbor.
Who is Mrs. Spohn?
Formally a term for killing, it is now used in a more positive manner.
What is Slay?
This insect is named after what a mythical fire-breathing creature would do, if it existed.
What is a Dragonfly?
This colorful artist made pop punk music all through the 2000s, also sporting a very successful clothing brand.
Who is P!NK?
This type of behavior indicates working hard, and is used especially by gamers and gym goers.
What is Grinding?
This teacher has only one 7th grade class, but it'll really moo-ve you.
Who is Mr. Bennett?
In reference to someone's (usually a woman's) attractiveness, expressing the opposite of the word's typical meaning.
What is Bad (baddie)?
This insect isn't actually a fish, although it's name implies it would be a shiny one.
What is a Silverfish?
This singer-songwriter founded continuing success since to 2010s, including an appearance in the show "Victorious".
Who is Ke$ha?
This behavior is often thought to be dead and is an antonym for selfishness.
What is chivalry?
This teacher may not be royalty but their class sounds like a blast.
Who is Mrs. King?
"The female version of a hustler", this term originated in the late 19th century, originally meaning "goddess".
What is Diva?
These winged insects do half of what their name implies. The first half is a gross overestimation, its more of a glow.
What is a Firefly (lightning bug)?
This band from the 2000s is named after an action that you do at least that many times a day.
What is Blink-182?
This primate behavior is the only business some of you will ever conduct.
What is Monkey business?
This middle school teacher's class is not as difficult as it sounds.
Who is Mr. Harden
Now outdated, this gelatinous term means "good friend" or "best buddy".
What is (my) Slime?
These insects emerge from their chrysalis slippery, as their name implies, but soon dry off.
What are Butterflies?
This pop band from the late 2010s does something stressful somewhere groovy.
What is Panic! At The Disco?
This type of behavior is often found in knights and sounds like the Spanish word for cookie.
What is Gallantry?
You're a wizard, Sonya.
Who is Mrs. Davis?