Off and ____ all ___.
Which teacher teaches 6G art?
Ms. Rastegar
What is the name of this school? WMMS?
Windsor Mill Middle School
If you mix the colors ______ and ______ you will get the color GREEN.
Yellow and Blue
You have ___ minutes for a bathroom pass.
How many World History teachers are there? Name them!
3. Ms. York, Mr. Ryan, and Ms. Grey
What is Franklin Middle School, school's mascot?
A Falcon
Ms. Jay expects students to come to class prepared. This means grabbing your _____ ______ in the beginning of class.
Academic folder
What question can you never answer yes to?
Are you asleep?
The AP for 6 grade
Mr. Miller
Which teacher only comes to school on A days?
Ms. O
Who is DPMMS rival school?
Windsor Mills Middle
_______ is Ms. Jay's favorite store to shop at.
What goes up but never comes down?
MAP testing starts on
January 28th
How many classrooms' are in the six grade hallway?
What school is the CLOSEST to DPMMS?
Deer Park Elementary School
Ms. Jay has been teaching for __ years.
Finish the riddle... Beans, Beans are good for your _______
How many weeks do you get to make up absent work
2 weeks
Which teacher will be hosting "Game On" for Buck Time?
Mr. Ryan
________________ Sciences, school's mascot is a Lion.
Northwest Academy of Health Sciences
_____________ is the HBCU that Ms. Jay attended to receive her ___ degrees.
Morgan State University is the HBCU that Ms. Jay attended to receive her 2 degrees.
Which one of Santa’s reindeer can be seen on Valentine’s day?