One of the reasons people struggle with Integrity issues, is that they tend to look outside themselves to explain any deficiencies in their character. But Integrity is this.
What is an Inside Job?
Ultimately, you are responsible for your (BLANK). These are things you do daily to determine, your outcome.
What are Choices or Decisions?
Only you are responsible for your choices and decisions.
What is True?
Would you write and forge your parents name on a note to skip school?
What is? (the class answer)
This is based on the perception of others, and is not in your control. You may be able to influence it.
What is Reputation?
(A word starting with C and dealing with your upbringing and environment.)
What is Circumstances?
This comes from who you are and the decisions that you make. Though some prefer to be judged based on titles earned or positions held.
What is Your Character?
Your circumstances can increase or decrease your character.
What is False?
(It can influence it, if you Allow it)
Would you lie for a friend so they did not get in trouble with a teacher?
What is? (class answer)
This is how two people can view the same person differently.
What are their past interactions and experiences?
Integrity is not based on this C word. No number of titles, offices, awards or licenses can make up for basic integrity.
What are Credentials?
(BLANK) is how others see you, while (BLANK) is what you are.
What is Reputation and Character?
Titles really do not matter if you do not have integrity.
What is True?
(College Degrees and job titles are not important, if the person does not tell the truth.)
Would you return an item to the store after you broke it and claim it was broken when arriving home?
What it? (Class Answer)
Changing your THIS from negative to positive, helps you gain confidence and leave a positive impression on those around you.
What is Attitude?
Integrity is not to be confused with this word that describes ones image.
What is Reputation?
If i take care of this, my reputation will take care of itself.
What is Character?
Your (Blank) is made in a moment, your (Blank) is built in a lifetime.
What is Reputation/Character?
Would you read your friends messages on their cell phones without having permission?
What is? (Class Answer)
What is Perspective?
Integrity is based on your (BLANK). Working on your One Small Step to improve you, helps to improve this.
What is Character?
If you don't do what you say you will, others won't trust you because....Actions speak louder than these.
What are words?
Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
What is True?
It makes no difference what people say about you, if people do not have THIS in you, you have no foundation for influence.
What is Trust?
A (BLANK) mental (BLANK) is believing when one door closes, another one opens.
What is Positive and Attitude?