What's the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
To be or not to be, that is the question.
Which artist released the hit song "Rolling in the Deep"?
Which U.S. Founding Father has a rap musical named after him?
Alexander Hamilton
What is the capital of Canada?
"I'll be back."
The Terminator
What book series features Katniss Everdeen?
The Hunger Games
Who invented the telephone?
"I'm Lovin It"
How many countries share a land border with Brazil?
Hint: more than 5, less than 15
"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."
Muhammad Ali
"Shante, you stay," "sashay away," and "con-drag-ulations" are iconic sayings from this competition show.
RuPaul's Drag Race
What year was the first iPhone released?
Snap! Crackle! Pop!
Rice Krispies
Which country is made up of 7,000 islands?
The Philippines
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
Oscar Wilde
Which movie won "Best Picture" at the 2020 Oscars?
Hint: It's Korean.
Who was the first woman to make a million dollars in the United States?
Madam C.J. Walker
"Eat Fresh"
Which city has the world's highest population?
"Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it."
Salvador Dali
Which TV show is set in the fictional city of Westeros?
Hint: There's dragons.
Game of Thrones
Who was the first Black woman congressperson AND first Black woman to run for president in 1972?
Shirley Chisholm
"Yes We Can"