Asking for Help
Academic Integrity
Study Techniques/Methods of Learning
Success in Courses
Study Groups

How can asking for help benefit you? 

Helps you find how to access resources, helps you to learn effective strategies, helps you to engage with the material, helps to be communicative so there are no misunderstandings, helps you learn how to engage with others and establish relationships, helps you to be both personally and academically successful. 


I do not know how to answer a question on my assignment, and I do not have time to reach out to my instructor to ask about this before it is due. Therefore, it is NOT considered academic dishonesty to delete this question before turning the assignment in. 



Explain how to remember more of what you know with spaced repetition. How is this helpful?

A learning technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time to improve long-term memory retention. Can reduce time studying overall. 

Ex. Having 5 different boxes/areas for flashcards (studying everyday, every other day, once per week, once bi-weekly, review before test). Once you get something correct, it graduates to the next level. If you get a card wrong, it goes back to the beginning (ex. review everyday). 


What should you do if you are not sure how to complete an assignment? Why? 

First check the materials that were given to you and read the instructions carefully. If you still do not know how to complete something on the assignment, communicate with your instructor and ask any questions you have. Points can be docked if this is not completed successfully, possibly lowering your grade and you miss out on a learning opportunity. This is a strategy you can use in future with employers- learning strategy.


What is a study group and what is the benefit of it?

Small group of students who meet to study and learn together for a class or exam.

Use all of your brains to recall information, can quiz each other on the material, can help you learn more quickly and understand complex concepts, learn other people's perspectives, can explain concepts to others to solidify your own understanding.


What are office hours and why are they helpful to attend? 

Bonus: How do you find an instructor's office hours? How would you approach attending office hours?

Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask professors any questions/concerns they have about the class or to go over any materials they do not understand. 

Bonus: The course syllabus; Go to the location at the time office hours are listed. Introduce yourself and the class you are there for. Explain you are there for office hours and have a few questions. 


If I look something up online and find a small tidbit of information about a concept to include in my paper, I do not need to cite my source. 


Explain the Curve of Forgetting and the importance of this. 

Describes how we retain or get rid of information that we take in based on a 1-hour lecture. 

On day 1 at the beginning of lecture, you know nothing or 0%. At the end of the lecture, you know 100% of what you know. By day 2, if you have done nothing with the information you learned in that lecture, you will have lost 50-80% of what you learned. By day 30 (can occur around mid-term exams), we retain about 2-3% of the original hour and thus need to relearn most of the information if nothing is read, studied, looked at in between. 

Important to study/review material consistently.


What can happen if you choose not to attend class OR choose not to communicate with your instructor about your lack of attendance if it is an extenuating circumstance?

You can be docked points; if an assignment is due that day or an exam is that day, this can significantly impact your grade; you miss out on learning important material/content that you need to catch up on, and miss examples or key words from instructor during class that day.

Note: A routine doctor, dentist, or other medical appointment that is not an emergency, vacation with family is not an extenuating circumstance


Name two locations that might be a good place to study with your study group. 

Learning Community Study Sessions, MavPASS, library (book a group study room), coffee shop, CSU, lounge space in residential hall, etc. 


If you are aware that you are struggling with something and you choose NOT to ask for help, what might be a consequence/s of this? 

Academic warning or suspension, decrease in health and strategies learned, lack of awareness to grow in certain areas, missed opportunity of learning how to advocate for yourself now and in the future, wasting money. 


Scenario: My friends and I are in the same chemistry class and we have an open book exam due Friday. We all plan to take the exam together in the library. This is not considered cheating because it is an open book exam. 



Explain how to use the Feynman Technique to learn faster and its importance. 

Four-step method for learning and understanding a topic as if you are teaching it to someone else:

1. Take a piece of paper and write the concept's name at the top.

2. Explain the concept using simple language, as if you were explaining it to someone else. Give examples in here, as if you are using and practicing it. 

3. Identify problem areas, then go back to the sources to review until your understanding of all material is solid. 

4. Pinpoint any complicated terms and challenge yourself to simplify them. Simplify words in easy to understand words. 

By simplifying and putting things into your own words, it helps you to better understand what you are learning. 


Why is it important to find a place you can study productively each time you plan to work on classes?

Bonus: Name 3 places around campus you can study (includes completing assignments, reading textbook, studying notes, etc.). 

So you can focus, understand information, and get assignments done without distraction. Becomes a habit where you work on classes at this place and you can be productive.

Library, study sessions with LC, Mavpods, lounge area of residential hall, coffee shop 

Note: Recommended that you do NOT study in your dorm room because this mixes your relaxing place where you sleep with work and stress. 


If you want to connect with students in your class to ask if anybody would like to form a study group, what are two ways you can go about doing this? 

Communicate with other students before or after class to ask if anybody would be interested, find the classlist under D2L to find contact information and send a message out.


Scenario: You are currently struggling in your science class and are nervous you are not on track to pass the class. Name two people and/or spaces you can contact for help and how you would ask for help. 

Center for Academic Success, instructor, Academic Advisor, Learning Community Coordinator, MavPASS

I am nervous that I'm not on track to pass my Anatomy & Physiology I course. Do you know of any strategies or resources I can use to be successful?


Using a paper I wrote for one class and turning the same paper in for an assignment in a different class without prior communication with the instructors does NOT count as plagiarism because it is my own work. 



Explain the Think Well Learn Well Diagram and how this is beneficial. 

A tool used to help students improve their thinking, learning, and performance. 

Shows the differences between lower order thinking skills and higher order thinking skills and a surface approach to learning and a deep approach to learning. Ex. Ability to recall/memorize information is a surface approach to learning, whereas being able to expand on ideas and making certain judgments about information is a deeper approach to learning. 


What is a consequence/s of procrastinating? What is something you can do to avoid procrastinating on assignments/studying for your classes?

Typically, you do not take away as much from your learning, more likely to complete things incorrectly or not fully understand the content, more challenging to remember this information in future once you are done taking the class, creates additional stress and can decrease healthy habits. 

Pre-plan study times, keep track of how often you are setting aside time for your classes, look at notes right before and right after class to help engage with material more often, use planner. 


There are two pre-made study groups that you should be aware of as resources. One occurs with your Learning Community. The second occurs with specific challenging courses. What are the names of each of these and how are each of them beneficial?

LC Study Sessions- opportunity to study with people who are taking the same classes as you. Can ask questions, study, learn from one another. 

MavPASS- Study sessions for challenging courses. Leader has been successful in this course prior and can ask any questions/learn from the exact content you are going over in class. 
