When you come back early from a class, what is the first thing you do at Mrs. White's door?
You knock and ask permission to come in.
You are feeling regulated and ready to work. What zone are you in?
Green Zone!
You go to class and you are maintaining at least an 86% on your point sheet. What level are you?
What does "C" stand for?
Count Down, use to ground yourself or refocus
5 things you can see in the room
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear right noe
2 things you can smell right now
1 good thing about yourself
How do you show Responsibility?
Be a positive influencer
Participate, learn, and grow
Be a Scholar of Growth Mindset
After you get permission to enter the classroom what is your next step if you are upset?
Choose a coping skill, sit down at your desk and set the timer for how long you need before returning to class.
You are feeling tired, bored, sad and exhausted. What zone are you in?
Blue Zone!
You are at an average of 82% for 5 days. What level are you in?
Test Flight
Whats does "O" stand for?
Breathing exercises, use to calm or cool down
Figure 8 breathing
Alternate-nostril breathing
6 count breathing
Balloon breathing
How do you show Integrity?
Respect the workspace of others
Ask before using items from Ms. White's desk or cabinets
You come back early from class because you are just feeling you need a break. What would you do in this situation?
Come in after knocking, grab downtown folder and sit at your desk.
You are feeling anxious, worried, frustrated and silly. What zone are you in?
Yellow Zone!
You are below 79% for 5 day average. What level are you in?
In the Nest
What does "P" stand for?
Pick 3 poses, use to get back in your body
1. Downward dog
2. Frog pose
3. Bridge or backbend
4. Childs pose
5. Forward fold
6. Tree pose
How do you show service?
Help other students learn by keeping the classroom quiet and without distractions
Remain seated. Schedule a movement break with the teacher in the classroom.
You come back from class early stressed about the amount of work you need to do. What are your steps?
Come into classroom, select an assignment to complete while you sit down at your seat, show Mrs. White or Mrs. Mandy your work when you complete.
You are feeling angry, mad, and lost of control. What zone are you in?
Red zone!
How do you go from "In the Nest to "Test Flight"
Maintain average of 85% or above for 5 days
What does "I" stand for?
Inner Coach, use this to build confidence
Name 3 things you are proud of
Repeat each thing out loud 3 times
How do you show excellence?
Attend classes
Use a copying strategy
Ask for help
Do your best work
You come back early and you have followed all your steps and you have a question. What would you do?
Stay in your seat and raise your hand. We will come to your desk when we can.
You are in the yellow, blue or red zone. What is the best way to get back to green?
Pick a coping skill!
How do you go from "Test Flight" to "Soaring"
Maintain 86% or above for 5 days.
What does the letters "N" and "G" stand for?
N=need a break, use when overwhelmed
go for a walk
listen to calm music
G=Gratitude, use when feeling down
Write in a journal or share with peers
Remember your 3 good things should be small things that bring you joy.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mrs. White