Philosophy of Islam
Traditions and Culture of Islam 1.
Traditions and Culture of Islam 2.
Internal Structure in Islam 1.
Internal Structure in Islam 2.

Question: Which country has the highest Islamic following?

Answer: Indonesia.


Question: Name two symbols in Islam.

Answer: Crescent and moon, and Shahada.


Question: What is the purpose of mythology?

Answer: Myths may have arisen naturally from truth, or they may be fabricated or deliberately fostered to rationalise, support or explain ideas. Mythologies and their narratives provide a framework for societies to explain or support a belief or practice.


Question: Define dissent.

Answer: Dissent is to hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.


Question: What is the role of the Imam?

Answer: The role of the imam in Islam is that of a prayer leader and spiritual guide for the community. The imam is responsible for leading congregational prayers, delivering sermons, and providing religious guidance and counseling to the community members.


Question: Where did Islam take shape as a structured belief system?  

Answer: Islam took shape as a structured belief system in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia.


Question: What is Hadith?

Answer: Hadith refers to the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad. It is a collection of narrations about his words and deeds. Hadith covers various aspects of life and provides practical guidance for Muslims. 


Question: Name two Islamic rituals.

Answer: Hajj and Ramadan


Question: What is a positive of dissent? 

Answer: Dissent leads to critical thinking and individual agency. It encourages Muslims to engage in intellectual discussions and explore different perspectives within the boundaries of Islamic principles. Dissent empowers individuals to express their unique viewpoints and contributes to the diversity of thought within the Muslim community. 


Question: What are some examples of changes instigated by women and youth in the Islamic world? 

Answer: Women in Saudi Arabia gaining the right to vote, women in Afghanistan gaining greater rights through activism, and women in Morocco influencing a revision of Islamic law related to family affairs.


Question: What are the two main divisons of Islam, and which one has more followers today. 

Answer: Sunni and Shi'a (Shiite). Sunni has more followers (approx 85%).


Question: Why is Arabic language significant in Islam?

Answer: Arabic is considered significant in Islam because the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, is primarily written in Arabic. Muslims believe that the message from God is best preserved in Arabic and can become distorted if translated. Arabic is also used for prayers, formal messages, and important sayings in Islamic culture.


Question: Where did the Star and Crescent symbol originate from for Islam?

Answer: While the symbol predates Islam, it gained prominence during the Ottoman period. The Ottomans embraced the symbol and incorporated it into their official flags, architectural designs, and imperial regalia. This usage contributed to the association of the star and crescent with Islam and the Ottoman Empire in the broader public perception. 


Question: Why does Islam lack a rigid power structure? 

Answer:Islam recognises no authoritative source of doctrinal interpretation, allowing individuals to interpret the Qur'an as they see fit. This absence of a hierarchy contributes to a more democratic and egalitarian nature.


Question: Explain how the lack of a power system in Islam can have negative consequences? 

Answer: Freedom to interpret the Quran has led to radical persecution of non-Islamic groups, and the formation of groups like ISIS.


Question: What are the 5 pillars of Islam?  

Answer: The 5 pillars of Islam are Shahada (profession of faith), Salat (daily prayers), Zakat (obligatory charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).


Question: How do Islamic artists compensate for the restriction on creating images in Islamic mosques?

Answer: By developing beautiful design work and calligraphy. One prominent symbolic design is the Shahada. Islamic art often emphasizes intricate geometric patterns and Arabic calligraphy.


Question: What is the significance of the Kaaba in Islam?  

Answer: The Kaaba holds great significance in Islam as it is considered the holiest site in the religion. It is located in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is a black cube-shaped structure that Muslims believe was built by the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael) as the first house of worship dedicated to the worship of the one true God, Allah.


Question: What is the stance of Islam on dissent and its relationship with traditionalist schools and governments?

Answer: In theory, Islam supports dissent due to its core values of equality, individual relationship with Allah, and lack of hierarchy. However, traditionalist schools of thought in Islam view dissent as unnecessary. Governments in many nations intertwine religious practice and law with civil law, viewing dissent as a challenge to their authority and legitimacy.


How has globalization affected traditional cultures in the Muslim world?  

Answer: Globalization has marginalized traditional cultures, leading to a siege mentality in historic communities. This has contributed to the emergence of militant traditionalism as a response to the perceived threats posed by globalization.


Question: Account for reasons that Islam is the fastest growing religion?

Answers could include: Birth rates, clear moral guidelines offer solutions to contemporary issues, migration, globalisation.


Question: How has the hijab become a symbol of identity, empowerment, and religious freedom for some Muslim women?

Answer:  It allows them to express their faith and adhere to religious teachings by modestly covering their hair and body. For these women, the hijab represents a personal choice and a source of empowerment, enabling them to assert their religious and cultural identity in the face of societal pressures. It can serve as a means of connecting with their community and feeling a sense of belonging. 


Question: What are the core values of Islam?  

Answer: Islam emphasizes core values such as monotheism (belief in the oneness of God), submission to God's will, justice, mercy, compassion, and tolerance. Muslims are encouraged to practice charity, goodwill, and acts of kindness towards others. The concept of the Ummah, or community of believers, is central to Islam, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility.


Question: How do many civilians in Islamic countries perceive globalization?  

Answer: Many civilians in Islamic countries believe that globalization is the imposition of Western culture on their societies. They feel a sense of dispossession and powerlessness as the cultural productions shared globally do not represent Islamic culture.


Question: What is the significance of ICT in addressing misapprehensions about Islam?  

Answer: ICT helps in clearing up misapprehensions of non-Muslims about Islam by providing a platform for open communication and access to accurate Islamic information. It allows for dialogue, discussion, and the sharing of perspectives, thereby promoting better understanding and dispelling misconceptions about the religion.
