Chapter 4-1
Chapter 4-2
Chapter 4-3
Industrial America Video
Industrialization Graphs

Official rights given by the government to an inventor for the exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time.

What is a Patent?


This is exclusive control by one company over an entire industry.

What is a Monopoly?


This is a small factory where employees have to work long hours under poor conditions for little pay.

What is a Sweatshop?

This man invented the telephone.

Who is Alexander Graham Bell?


This allowed resources, goods, services, and people to be transported farther distances inexpensively.

What is The Expansion of Railroads?


This man was a creative genius who received more than 1,000 patents for his inventions. Also known for inventing artificial lighting (lightbulbs) for home use.

Who is Thomas Edison?


This is the belief held by some in the late nineteenth century that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over them.

What is Social Darwinism?


This is the system or theory under which means of production are controlled publicly and regulated rather than owned by individuals. 

What is Socialism?


These laboratories were in many ways the first of their kind. Thomas Edison built the first one.

What is a Research Laboratory?

This invention/harnessing/transporting ability allowed the number of patents for new inventions to skyrocket.

What is Electricity? 


This is a tax on imported goods making the price high enough to protect domestic goods from foreign competition.

What is a Protective Tarriff?


This is a system of consolidating firms involved in all steps of a product’s manufacture - owning all the means of producing a product.

What is Vertical Integration?


This is when workers went on strike in 1894 against the a Company and were joined by the American Railway Union. The strike grew increasingly violent. 

What is the Pullman Strike?

Stockholders receive this in exchange for corporations using their money through the stock market.

What are dividends? 


This was the approximate maximum number of patents issued in a year.

What is 25,000?


This is a method developed in the mid-1800s for making steel more efficiently. 

What is the Bessemer Process?


This is the first federal agency monitoring business operations, created in 1887 to oversee interstate railroad procedures. It could force railroads to send records to Congress for review. 

What is the ICC - Interstate Commerce Commission?


This is a union focused on recruiting skilled workers focused on “bread and butter” issues such as wages, working hours, and working conditions.

What is the AFL - American Federation of Labor?


Henry Ford did this quote to America by developing the assembly line and engaging in mass production.

What is, "Put America on Wheels?"

This caused the biggest decline in the value of exports.

What is the Civil War? (Followed by the Panic of 1884 and the Panic of 1893)


This is being lenient - this was the government’s policy towards business where the government tried to have no control over private businesses and business interests.

What is Laisse-faire, Laisse-faire Politics?


This was a 1890 law banning any trust that restrained interstate trade or commerce. 

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?


This man was the leader of the American Railway Union (A.R.U.) and eventually ran for president as a Socialist candidate.

Who is Eugene V. Debs?


These people played a vital role in the building of America, especially during the Second Industrial Revolution occurring in America in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Who are immigrants?


This is the reason why immigration dropped between 1910 and 1915.

What is World War I?
