You can request it anytime, but its recommended to request them at the beginning of the semester.
Who do I contact if I have a question about my test, my counselor or AEC Testing staff?
AEC Testing staff! Please email us your questions at
What is Glean notetaking?
- Glean is an audio notetaking software for in-person and online classes.
Can I update my accommodations in the middle of the semester?
Yes, but you will have to contact your counselor.
How do I request testing accommodations?
- Make sure you have requested "Alternative Testing" accommodations on MyAEC
- Request a test 5 days prior to the exam date
Does AEC provide testing materials like calculators, scantrons or green books?
- No, AEC does not provide any aids other than a pencil or pen. You are responsible for your own required testing materials and aids.
Can I recommend a friend in my class to be my notetaker?
Yes! Please send their first and last name and we will contact them! Or you can have them email us at to get started!
Where do I request my accommodations?
Login onto MyAEC and select the classes you would like to have your accommodation applied to and follow the provided instructions.
How many days prior should I request a regular test on MyAEC?
Minimum 5 days prior
How are notetakers chosen?
- Once you have confirmed your notetaking services on MyAEC, we will send an email to the entire class requesting a volunteer.
- If no students volunteer after the email has been sent, the AEC will ask the course instructor to make an announcement to the class.
Will the the notetaker know who they are taking notes for?
- Notetaking Service is confidential.
- Students receiving notes will not have knowledge of who the Notetaker is. Equally a Notetaker, will not have knowledge of the student(s) receiving the notes.
What happens if I request my accommodations in the middle of the semester?
There may be a delay in receiving your accommodations (testing, notetaking, accessible furniture). It is recommended to request at the beginning of the semester!
What should I do if I have extended time and multiple exams overlap in the same day?
- Contact your professors as soon as possible to ask if you can take 1 of the exams earlier or later.
-It is preferred if you contact them via email, so once they approve a different start time you can forward the email thread to
Where can I find my notetaker's notes once they've uploaded?
On MyAEC, under "Notetaking Services"
Can I ask my notetaker a question or can I contact them?
Do I need to request my accommodations every semester?
Yes! You will need to do this every semester.
Do I need to submit a testing request for my online exams?
- You still need to request your testing accommodations to inform your professor.
- Email your professors at least 5 business days before each exam to remind them of your requested accommodations.
Can I choose whatever time/date to take my test?
No, you will need to schedule your exam for the same time/date as the class.
What should I do if its been 48 hours after my class and the notetaker has not uploaded any notes?
Contact to let AEC know ASAP!
Can I drop in at any time to talk to my AEC counselor?
Unfortunately, counselors are in meetings most of the day. You can email them to set up a follow-up meeting.