A loyalty to one's nation is a ____________ loyalty.
nationalist loyalty
A group of people who share beliefs and who have developed a sense of belonging.
a nation
A Canadian policy recognizing many cultures.
Two things that are needed to be considered a state are __________________.
1. a defined territory (boarder)
2. a permanent population
3. a sovereign government
4. a capacity to enter into relations with other states
The mountains in Alberta would be an example of this type of nationalism.
Geographic nationalism
A loyalty to one's spiritual beliefs, traditions and practices would be considered ___________ loyalty.
religious loyalty
This nation exists within Canada, they have their own linguistic identity, and fought for language rights.
the Quebecois
If a person felt that living in Alberta was more important than being Canadian, that would be described as _________________.
Give an example of a stateless nation.
Answers will vary, Kurds, Palestinians, First Nations
The idea and the movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.
Soldiers involved in combat often experience a contending loyalty between these two loyalties.
Civic and religious loyalty
A devotion and pride in one's nation.
Name a Canadian myth.
Answers will vary
The political authority to control one's own affairs is _____________.
Defining a nation as a large body of people united by common descent, culture, or language would appeal to this type of nationalist?
an ethnic nationalist
Class, religion, culture, ideology are examples of this type of loyalty.
non-nationalist loyalty
Another word for a country is______________
a state or nation-state
Canada is a ___________ nation.
When people have the power to make their own decisions about what is in their best interest (such as laws and education) it is known as ___________.
Name a separate nation within the nation of Canada.
Answers may vary, but Quebec, francophones, First Nations
Give an example of a contending nationalist loyalty in Canada.
answers may vary, but Quebec, the West
When citizens agree to certain values and beliefs expressed in law, this can be referred to as a _____________.
civic nation
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the constitution, and the Canadian criminal code.
Requiring institutions to adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities.
Reasonable accommodation
An internal conscious shared by many.
collective consciousness