A civil wrong or injury that causes harm or loss to someone
What is a tort?
These mnemonics used to remember the symptoms of organophosphate poisoning or nerve agent exposure
This respiratory pattern indicates there is need to assess for a pulse
What is agonal breath? (is death)
3rd-trimester pregnancies, bradycardia, liver failure, allergy, and signs of hemorrhage
What are several AEMT medication contraindications?
This presentation can be visualized in a patient with cardiac tamponade but not a simple pneumothorax
What is jugular venous distension? (is present in tension pneumo)
The five stages of grief
What are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance?
This presentation is the earliest sign of a pneumothorax becoming a tension pneumothorax
What is hypotension?
Your patient presents with dyspnea, an SPO2 of 100%, and erythema
What is carbon monoxide poisoning?
At this point, you're able to administer the highest concentration of dextrose you can give a pediatric
What is any weight over 20 kg?
This condition is characterized by a pulsating mass in the abdomen
What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
Radio bands ranging from 30-300 and 301-3000 MHz respectively
What are VHF (<300) and UHF (>300) bands?
This condition would cause low end-tidal despite adequate ventilation and perfusion
What is low metabolism?
(DKA, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, starvation)
Wager any amount of your current score to add if correct and subtract if incorrect.
This is why and how you'd use adult AED pads on a tiny pediatric
These medications are adrenergic antagonists and can counteract shock compensation
What are beta blockers?
This traumatic experience is caused by digital manipulation of the nasal mucosa
What is epistaxis?
The direction from which traffic is traveling, the direction moving away from the scene.
What is upstream and downstream?
These conditions present with AMS. One is a chronic and progressive cognitive decline, the other is an acute reversible disturbance in awareness
What are dementia and delirium?
Unlike with adults, this temperature related treatment must be done slowly
What is actively cooling hyperthermic pediatric patients?
This class of medications occasionally cause angioedema, mimicking anaphylaxis
What are ace inhibitors?
This condition is characterized by exophthalmos and a palpable mass in the neck
What is Graves' disease?
The four elements required to prove negligence
What are Duty to Act, Breach of Duty, Damages, Proximate Cause?
The maximum weight recommendation for applying Sager splints
What is 10% of the patient’s body weight, up to 15 pounds?
These two presentations are largely only seen in infants with dyspnea
What is nasal flaring and seesaw respirations?
Patients with this condition often take medications like Brilinta and Cardizem
What is atrial fibrillation?
This treatment is how we appropriately affect chemical burns on the skin
What is irrigation with normal saline for 20 minutes?