hic illius arma, hic currus fuit; hoc regnum dea
arma virumque cano
accusative neuter plural, direct object
Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem.
It was of so great effort to found the Roman race.
Who is Saturnia?
The Aeneid, like all ancient epic, is composed in which meter?
dactylic hexameter
spumas salis aere ruebant
Progeniem...Tyrias olim quae verteret arces
3rd singular imperfect active subjunctive; relative clause of characteristic/purpose
Incute vim ventis submersasque obrue puppes, aut age diversos et dissice corpora ponto.
Strike force into the winds and overwhelm the submerged ships, or drive the scattered men and scatter their bodies in the sea.
Who is Aeacides?
To whom were the "rapti honores" of being cupbearer to the gods given, instead of to Juno's daughter, Hebe?
maria omnia circum
pietate gravem ac meritis
ablative feminine singular, ablative of respect
Tu das epulis accumbere divum nimborumque facis tempestatumque potentem.
You give (me) (the ability) to recline at the banquet(s) of the gods and (you) make (me) powerful over/of both clouds and storms.
"Quippe vetor fatis."
The Punic Wars
altae moenia Romae
transferred epithet
Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae
dative feminine singular, dative of possession
Audierat...hinc populum late regem belloque superbum venturum excidio Libyae.
She had heard that from here a people ruling widely and proud in war would come for the destruction for/of Libya.
"Mihi iussa capessere fas est."
Who was Vergil's literary patron, who also was an advisor to Augustus?
submersas obrue puppes
reliquias Danaum
genitive masculine plural; subjective genitive
tum, pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem conspexere, silent arrectisque auribus astant.
Then, if by chance they saw some man serious in piety and merits, they are silent and, with ears having been raised, they stand near.
Mene Iliacis occumbere campis non potuisse!
insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores
spondee, dactyl, dactyl, dactyl