The term for the earliest stage of physical development
The term for the type of environment Genie was subject to.
The ability of neural connections to grow & reorganise
An experience of the world organised into a mental structure.
The 44 Thieves Study was an empirical example of how delinquency; reduced intelligence, increased aggression, depression all may be related to...
Maternal deprivation
Learning to walk is an example of what kind of skills.
Gross Motor
A famous study of institutionalised children who exhibited disorganised attachment.
The Romanian Orphan Study
The two categories of brain plasticity are
Adaptive & Developmental
The process of forming a new schema through adding new info is what?
Finding others trustworthy, seeing yourself as valuable and being able to effectively interact with others are all principles of…
Internal Working Model
At what age do human beings stop physically developing.
Genie missing this stage meant she was never able to fluently learn a language.
Critical Period
The process of fatty insulation growing over the axons during infancy.
List the stages of cognitive development in order.
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational
What are the attachment styles in order
Type A: insecure avoidant
Type B: secure
Type C: insecure resistant
The concept suggesting developmental change occurs in stages.
Discrete Change
A biological process aided by having access to enriching environments.
The stage when synaptic pruning is most likely to occur
The pendulum problem is used to test abstract logical thinking at what stage?
Formal Operational
Name the study (year) suggesting Ainsworth's attachment styles are universal
Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988)
The theory that one is a certain way because of their life experiences & environment, rather than their genetics.
A Case Study showing the successful influence of enriched environments on the development of children who have suffered neglect.
The Czech Twin Study
The lack of development of the __________ means that adolescents rely heavily on their amygdala than adults do.
Pre-frontal cortex
The three mountains tested aimed to measure what?
Which of the following was not a behavioural variable measured in Ainsworth's strange situation: exploration, reaction to departure, crying, stranger anxiety, reunion