TRUE or FALSE: Being SAFE in the classroom is staying in your seat and keeping your hands to yourself.
TRUE! Being safe in the classroom is very important! Staying in your seat helps teachers know where you are. Keeping hands to yourself helps everyone feel calm and happy. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: You can go to any classroom to eat lunch in whenever you want.
FALSE! We have to ask our teacher and the teacher in the classroom you want to eat lunch in first. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE and RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: Follow directions given to you from both the Gym teacher and our Teacher Aides?
True! You should always follow the directions of staff so you and your classmates understand the rules of the game and won’t get hurt.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: Stay with your assigned group when out in the community.
True! You should stay with your group while out in the community to be safe.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE & RESPONSIBLE.
TRUE or FALSE: You should run in the hallways.
FALSE! Always walk in the hallways so you and others don’t get hurt.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: It is OK to use inappropriate language or call people names if they annoy you.
FALSE! It is NEVER OK to use inappropriate language or call people names. If someone is annoying you, you can ask them nicely to stop, tell a teacher, or ask for a break. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: Someone at lunch is bothering you. If it is a small problem, you should try to ignore it or solve the problem nicely. If it is a medium or big problem, you can ask a teacher for help.
TRUE! When someone is bothering us, we should try to solve the problem RESPECTFULLY. That means talking without using mean words or a loud voice. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: Its okay to hit or bang into other students to win the game?
False! You should not touch other students intending harm or to get them out of the way. You and the other student could get seriously hurt.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: In the vans, you don’t need to wear your seatbelt.
FALSE! It's the law that everyone has to wear a seatbelt.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: Yell at staff or students in the hallway so they can hear you.
FALSE! Walk up to who you want to talk to and use an indoor voice.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: If your school work is boring or hard, you don’t have to do it.
FALSE! It is important to complete your work at school. We should not give up or complain. If it is hard, you can always use a tool to calm down or ask a teacher for help. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPONSIBLE.
TRUE or FALSE: You can leave the classroom when you’re done eating without telling staff?
False! Always tell a staff member where you are going before leaving.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: You should congratulate the other team/students to show good sportsmanship?
True! You shouldn’t be upset if you lose the game, no one wins every game.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: In parking lots you should be on the lookout for vehicles backing out or turning into the lot.
TRUE! Always look around for vehicles so you don’t get hit by a car.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: Keep opening the double doors at the end of the hallway so anyone can get in.
FALSE: The doors at the end of the hallway should always be closed. If your classmates are behind you, you can hold the door for them but then close them.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE & RESPONSIBLE.
Which is an example of being SAFE in the classroom?
A. Leaving the classroom without asking a teacher
B. Throwing materials when we are upset.
C. Keeping hands to yourself and asking for a break when upset or in the RED ZONE.
C is the correct answer! We can never leave the classroom without asking a teacher, and we can never throw materials. If something is upsetting us, we can ask for a break or talk to a teacher about it. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
TRUE or FALSE: You can use your cell phone during lunch?
False! Cellphones have to be in your backpacks at all times.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE & RESPONSIBLE.
What should you do if you don’t know who to use the equipment?
Try to use the equipment and see what happens.
Ask staff for help.
Don’t do anything.
2! Always ask for help to use equipment so you don’t get hurt.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
True or False: While in the van, you should keep your hands and feet to yourself.
TRUE! You should not be touching other classmates.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE.
True or False: I can go visit any classroom whenever I want.
FALSE! You should not be going in other classrooms unless a staff member gives permission.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE and BEING RESPECTFUL.
Which is an example of being RESPECTFUL in the classroom?
A. Using words like “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry.”
B. Using swear words or telling someone that you are going to hurt them.
C. Refusing to follow directions.
The correct answer is A! We should only use nice words when we are communicating with others. We should never threaten others. This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL.
TRUE or FALSE: You can take food from other students without asking first?
False! Never take food from a classmate without asking first. Also don’t eat food a classmate has already eaten from. This is a good way to spread germs.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
When you’re done use a fitness machine, what should you do?
Go to the next machine.
Talk with your friends.
Wipe down the machine.
3! You should always clean up after using the equipment in the Fitness Room.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE.
True or False: You should talk about personal information in a loud voice while in the community to anyone.
FALSE! You should never give out personal information to strangers, and use an indoor voice while out in the community.
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE.
True or False: If you see a student being unsafe or saying inappropriate things, you should tell staff right away.
TRUE! If you see someone being UNSAFE tell a staff member right away!
This is following the PBIS rule of BEING SAFE & RESPONSIBLE.