Character Creation
Player's Handbook

The number of official WOTC primary classes.

What is 


The number of racial options provided in the 5e Player's Handbook.

What is 9?


The three categories of spell components.

What are verbal (V), somatic (S), and material (M)?


The two categories of weapon in D&D.

What is simple and martial?


The plane that creatures see into when they have Truesight.

What is the Ethereal Plane?


Name five of the 14 cleric subclasses.

Arcana; Death; Forge; Grave; Knowledge; Life; Light; Nature; Order; Peace; Tempest; Trickery; Twilight; War.


A monster is immune to damage from nonmagical bludgeoning weapons. Does he still take damage from falling?

Yes; fall is not a weapon.


Name all five "area of effect" shapes that spells can come in.

Cone; Cube; Cylinder; Line; Sphere.


If a weapon has the "finesse" property, what does that mean?

"Finesse" means you can use your choice of strength or dexterity when making an attack.


The name of content unofficially released for play testing by WOTC.

What is "Unearthed Arcana"?


The sourcebook that Artificer was released and added to D&D.

What is Tasha's Cauldron of Everything?


If there is a creature between yourself and your target, this is the ruling of "cover" that they would be granted.

What is half-cover?


Reincarnate and Raise Dead are both fifth-level spells that can bring a dead character back to life. This is the most crucial difference between these spells.

Raise Dead revives the character's original body, while Reincarnate restores their soul to a new healthy body.


The class(es) that can wield two weapons when fighting melee.

What are all classes?

(So long as both weapons have the "light" property, they can engage in an action and a bonus action for both weapons to have hit that round.)


The level caster you would be considered if you took 4 levels in Cleric, 5 levels in Artificer, and 3 levels in Eldritch Knight Fighter.

What is 8th level?

(Cleric = 1x4 = 4, Artificer = 0.5x5 Rounded UP per RAW = 3, Eldritch Knight Fighter = 1)

Name three D&D races that do not require 8 hours of sleep to get a full rest (or have varied requirements to normal sleep).

Elves; shadar-kai; eladrin; sea elves; warforged; autognomes; and thri-kreen don't need to sleep and aren't affected by abilities that would put them to sleep.


The formula used to calculate the number of minutes a creature can survive before suffering the "suffocating" environmental condition.

What is "1 + a creatures CON modifier (minimum of 30 seconds)"?


Though Meteor Swarm deals 20d6 to a creature on success, this spell deals a combined 50d6 to a creature affected by its success.

What is Prismatic Wall?


The damage quantity that an improvised weapon deals.

What is 1d4, with proficiency granted at the DM's discretion?


Name two of the effects of underwater combat.

1. Melee weapon attacks from creatures w/o swim speed have disadvantage unless the weapon is a dagger, javelin, shortsword, spear, or trident.

2. Ranged weapon attacks auto miss targets beyond normal range.

3. Ranged-weapon-attack targets within normal range are attacked at disadvantage unless the weapon is a crossbow, net, or a thrown weapon like a javelin.

4. Creatures or objects fully immersed in water have resistance to fire damage.


The four official "groups/categories" that the new OneD&D system presents to speed up party balancing and planning.

What are Expert, Warrior, Priest, and Mage?


How long can a character go without food before suffering an automatic level of exhaustion per day?

A number of days equal to 3 + their CON modifier.


The amount dice you would roll for the damage of a 6th level Magic Missle.

What is one?


Name five of the 22 martial weapons.

Battlexe; Flail; Glaive; Greataxe; Greatsword; Halberd; Lance; Longsword; Maul; Morningstar; Pike; Rapier; Scimitar; Shortsword; Trident; War pick; Warhammer; Whip; Blowgun; Crossbow (hand); Crossbow; (heavy); Longbow; Net


Name three of the 17 outer planes on the Great Wheel cosmology model.

  1. The Abyss
  2. Acheron
  3. Arcadia
  4. Concordant Opposition/Outlands
  5. Elysium
  6. Gehenna
  7. Gladsheim/Ysgard
  8. Hades/The Gray Waste
  9. Happy Hunting Grounds/Beastlands
  10. Limbo
  11. The Nine Hells/Baator
  12. Nirvana/Mechanus
  13. Olympus/Arborea/Arvandor
  14. Pandemonium
  15. Seven Heavens/Mount Celestia
  16. Tarterus/Carceri
  17. Twin Paradises/Bytopia