Son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who returns to avenge his father’s death
What theme does Orestes' character explore the most?
What condition does Aegisthus originally think Orestes is in and who told him this?
He thinks he is dead because a slave told him so.
"My incitement to take on his action was Apollo's Delphic oracle, which told me I would be exempt from guilt if I did this, while if I failed to do so...I won't describe the punishment"
Orestes (line 1029-1033)
What role do the furies play in the text?
Who is the sister of Orestes, who helps him in the plot to kill their mother?
What does the snake in Clytemnestra represent?
Orestes himself
What does Electra identify Orestes by?
A lock of his hair
"She dreamt, she said, of giving birth....but to a snake."
The Chorus Leader (line 527)
How large of a role does divine intervention play within this text versus previous texts we have discussed?
Apollo contributes heavily to Orestes fulfillment of revenge because he convinces Orestes that his vengeance has been approved by the gods. (example: Athena)
Who is the queen who is murdered by her son, Orestes, in the play?
What central theme do Orestes and Electra's relationship explore?
Family Loyalty
By stabbing her
"Almighty Zeus, when shall you bring down your hand to split apart their skulls"
Electra (lines 394-396).
How does the Chorus of slave women represent the views on gender roles in Ancient Greece?
Traditional roles of females are challenged through more dominant women representation in Clytemnestra, Electra and the Chorus of Women. More specifically the Chorus of Women advocate for restoration of gender imbalances by encouraging Orestes to reclaim the power of Argos.
Companion of Orestes that was by his side in exile
What theme are the Chorus of Slave women a catalyst for?
Gender Roles
How does the text end?
Orestes cries out to Apollo for relief from the furies and rushes away.
"What then to make in future of Apollo's Delphic oracles, and of our sacred oaths? Treat any human as your enemy before the gods?"
Pylades (line 900)
To what extent is the concept of an eye for an eye acceptable or just? Are Orestes and Electra justified in murdering Clytemnestra?
50 points for mentioning Iphigineia
Who is the patron god of Orestes?
What does the act of Orestes wrapping Clytemnestra and Aegisthus in Agamemnon's robes symbolize?
Symbolizes the act of revenge and justice for Agamemnon's death.
At what point does Clytemnestra identify Orestes?
After he has killed Aegisthus
"She may stroke, but cannot make us calm, since my heart is like a savage wolf, dead end to a mother's touch by wrath."
Electra (line 420-422)
In this text there is a cycle of violence starting with Agamemnon, based on this play and the acts of his children, is this a cycle of never ending violence or do they have free will to break the cycle?
Make a case for either side.
For breaking cycle: mention other discussion of free will
For never ending cycle: mention Gods/Apollo for divine intervention