What are the two types of goals?
Short term goals and long term goals.
The science of designing a workplace as well as its equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient, and safe is called _______.
What primary colors?
Fundamental colors that can not be obtained from a mixture. Example: Red, Yellow, and Blue.
What is the massage movement Effleurage?
Soft, continuous stroking movement applied with the fingers and palms in a slow and rhythmic manner.
What is vellus hair?
Hair that is very soft, fine, and downy.
What is the word that describes moral principles by which we live and work?
The impression you project through both your outward appearance and conduct in the workplace is called _______.
Professional Image
What are complementary colors?
Colors that fall directly across from each other on the color wheel.
What is the massage movement Petrissage?
Kneading movement performed by lifting, squeezing, and pressing the tissue with a light and firm pressure.
The natural arch of the eyebrow follows the ______ bone.
What is the term that means putting things off until tomorrow that could be done today?
True or False: Is posture an important part of your physical presentation?
What is a tint?
A tint is when white is added to a pure hue.
What is another name for the massage movement Tapotement?
Tapotement is also known as Percussion.
What is the purpose of a mission statement.
To establish values an institution lives by as well as their targeted goals.
Daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good sanitizing habits.
What should help you determine color selection?
Skin color, eye color, and hair color.
What massage technique involves the use of essential oils.
_________ is an excessive growth of terminal hair in areas of the body that normally grow only vellus hair (lower back, eyelids, abdomen).
Short term goals are defined as goals that can be accomplished in a _______ or less.
What should you include in a hygiene pack?
A tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, mouthwash, deodorant, and hand wipes.
What is the difference between ruddy and sallow skin?
Ruddy skin is skin that is unnaturally red, wind burned, or affected by rosacea.
Sallow skin is skin with a yellowish hue.
How many times should movements be repeated before moving on to the next?
What are the three cycles/stages in the hair growth cycle?
Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen