How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
How long should a teen exercise?
1 hour a day
How many meals should you eat a day?
three & healthy snacks
How much should a teen use screen time every day?
2 hours a day max
Where are places that you could volunteer at in the community?
Zoo, YMCA, Minot State University, animal shelters, etc
How often should you visit the dentist?
Every 6 months
What kind of exercises can you do indoors?
Weights, cardio, swimming, kick boxing, calisthenics, yoga, dancing, etc
Why should we avoid drinking a lot of juice?
full of sugar
Too much screen time can effect your _____ pattern
What is the capital of North Dakota?
Why is it important to wash your hands regularly?
Prevent spreading germs
What are the benefits of exercising?
Improved mood, weight management, improved sleep, gain muscle strength, reduce the risk of chronic health conditions.
What is a good way to lower your calorie intake?
Excessive screen time can worsen existing mental health issues like
anxiety and depression
Is an avocado a fruit or vegetable?
What are some good ways to prevent body odor?
Showering daily, use of deodorant, washing clothes, etc
What kind of exercises can you do outdoors?
Walking, running, riding a bike, yoga, swimming, roller blading, etc
If you drink milk, what kind of milk should you get?
Low fat or fat free
Too much screen time can create issues at school or work such as
Name all of the nursing staff
Dana, Kat, Courtney, Sarah, Ashlee
What products can you use for dry skin and lips?
Lotion & chapstick
How many days a week should you be exercising?
4-6x a week for 1 hour
What 4 food groups should you have on your plate?
Protein, vegetables, grains, fruits
Too much screen time can cause physical issues such as
What is a baby kangaroo called?
a joey