We have another carrier.
That's great! You understand the importance of having benefits in place for your employee's. I am not looking to change anything you are happy with, but it doesn't hurt to know what options are out there. We could save your business money as well as your employee's.
Covers the insured in the event they burn it, break it, cut it, tear it, or need to be seen by a physician.
Provides discounts on things like prescriptions, travel, pet care, and theme parks. Also provides a teledoc with $45 copay.
The year Colonial Life was formed
POPS is shorthand for?
Percentage of People Seen
What are you selling me?
I'm not trying to sell you anything, I just want to get on your calendar for 10-15 minutes to come and introduce myself and my company. If we feel there is a need for you then great, if not you can kick me out the door.
What percent does our Dental plan pay for major services?
Full family coverage for up to 9 dependents, 18 or under. 24/7 access to state-licensed, board certified doctors. For non-emergency medical issues. 0 dollar consultation fee.
The three ways Colonial Life goes to market.
Benefits communication education, flexible enrollment, voluntary benefits
Easiest way for us to insure we see all employees during an enrollment.
Offer a value add program.
All of our employees have their benefits through their spouses.
That's great! However, I would love to come by and introduce myself for 10-15 minutes and share with you some ways we can help save money for your business as well as offer some benefits to your employee's that they are not able to obtain through their spouses and only you as a business owner are able to provide.
What are the paid up by years for whole life?
70 and 100
$5 donation on behalf of the business to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals for each employee who sits down with a benefits counselor during an enrollment session.
Learning Gives Back
Colonial Life's parent company.
If the required percentage or more of benefit eligible employees meet with a Colonial Life benefits counselor during enrollment, Colonial Life will...
cover a portion or all of the cost for the value programs available.
Can you just send me some information or tell me over the phone?
I most certainly can, however, would you like for me to take up 30 minutes of your time on the phone or you spend 30 minutes trying to decipher the information I send you, or let me come by and introduce myself for 10 minutes and see what I can truly help with?
The med bridge rider that covers air ambulance, ambulance, appliances, doctors office visits and emergency room visits.
Medical Treatment Package
Identity Theft
Colonial Life's VP of Sales.
Bill Dehan
No purchase is required to count as being "seen" by a benefits counselor. However, for an employee to be counted, they must...
sign, be authorized, and "finish" the enrollment process in Harmony.
We are not interested.
Oh great. So you have heard of Colonial Life before? Let me ask, what about it were you not interested in? Like I said, I would love to just come by and spend 10 minutes with you and introduce myself and learn more about you.
The form of cancer that pays differently than all the others.
Skin Cancer.
This program gives employees the ability to pay off their student loans via three different options.
Round Up: Employees can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar allowing the difference to go towards their student loan.
Refinance: Employees can refinance their currents student loans at a lower interest rate that will help decrease their monthly payments.
Colonial Life's first client
South Carolina State Hwy Patrol "Pooper Troopers"
What are all the factors you and the employer should establish to secure the opportunity to meet 1-to-1 with each employee.
The space you will have to work in, a roster of all employees, how long you will have with each employee, the availability of a reliable Internet connection/WiFi password.